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Setting a Self-Care Schedule

Today I want to talk about setting a self-care schedule.

We know that we need to take care of ourselves.

We know we need to nourish ourselves.

We know that we need to fill our own cup so that it can flow over and we can give to others. The simple truth is, we can only give to others what we have.

If we’re depleted, if we’re not fulfilled, if we’re not nourished, if we don’t feel enriched in our own energy, then what is it that we’re really giving to, to the people we love? Are we giving from a place of emptiness? And if we’re giving from a place of emptiness, how are we really helping the people that we love?

We can really help the people that we love by being strong and solid in our own personal energy and our own self-love.

Right now, during this time where everybody is really being called to slow down, to step back, to take a moment, we are being reminded by the Universe of the importance of self-care. During this time we can really be proactive and create that self-care schedule that we always say that we’re going to do, right? We’re so accustomed to putting ourselves last because we’re doing everything else for everybody else. Well now it’s really a time to be mindful of our own energy, to be mindful of our own self-care.

One of my favorite ways to show myself love is using a simple salt scrub that you can use every time you go to the restroom to just give a quick minute of nurturing to yourself. A basic salt or sugar scrub is really easy to make, and you should be able to do it with all the stuff that you have in your house right now. The point is to really just take some time to slow down and nurture yourself, even just making the scrub is restorative.

If you need to, go ahead and schedule the time in your planner to make the scrub each week, set yourself up for success in self-care by doing these little things.

What type of self-care would you like to incorporate into your daily life?

  • Do you want to meditate for 15 minutes a day?
  • Do you want to take a half an hour bath?
  • Do you want to walk in nature?

You know that one thing you are always dreaming about doing but never taking the time for yourself to do it.  Write down on paper and commit to yourself what it is that you want to do. Write it out, and set yourself up for success.

Setting yourself up for success does not mean cramming your calendar full of should haves or need to’s.

Setting yourself up for success does mean putting down what you realistically can do right now. It means simply just putting down what you think you can get done, so you can have a benefit from it. What good is self-care if you never receive the benefit, right? I’d rather you schedule one five minute meditation for the week and have success in that and feel good about that, then say I’m going to meditate for five minutes every day knowing darn well that you can’t do that. Those couple of easy, simple tips will get you more self-care sooner than you ever thought possible. No more excuses, no more putting yourself on the back burner until you burn out.

It’s as easy as:

  • Pick one or two ways you’d like to start caring for yourself.
  • Schedule them in your paper calendar or on your phone.
  • Start nurturing yourself today. Stop waiting.

A fun way to do it is to challenge yourself to pick five things and plug them in over the month, and then hold yourself accountable to really take care of yourself in a nice, nourishing way that allows you to give back to the rest of the world in the way that only you can.

