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Self-Care For Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Filling your well of love can be hard right now and for many who do Spiritual type work it can be really challenging. Even if you do not feel you fall into the category of Spiritual Entrepreneur, we can all do with a dose of self-care right now.

As I write this, the UK like many other countries is struggling to deal with a pandemic and many are having to accept complex and quick changing situations. Spiritual Entrepreneurs and lightworkers often absorb the energy around them easier than most.

Which is why I felt called to write a blog to help provide ideas on how to keep your energy grounded and protected.


For me self-care is about giving myself the space and permission to connect to my soul. To work through my emotions, my blocks and to really just give myself the time and space I need to recharge my batteries. Like anything else, this is a practice. Often because it doesn’t come to many naturally. We often leave ourselves last when it comes to filling up our wells, focusing more on how we can be of service to others. Many Spiritual workers can suffer from burnout and exhaustion as a result.


  1. Meditate when you wake up – This has really helped me to focus my energies and prepare for the day ahead. This one isn’t always doable but even if you could just spend a few moments focusing on your breathe, counting them up to 10 and allowing your mind to relax.
  1. Write A Gratitude List – We all have our ups and down days but despite it all having gratitude for even the small things can help keep you in a higher vibe. It could be as small as having a good cup of coffee, or getting a cuddle from a loved one.
  1. Do An Evening Cleansing Ritual – As many lightworkers and spiritual entrepreneurs can be an empath it can mean that you can feel drained at the end of a day. Often they will take on the emotions and burdens of others and without properly clearing your energies it can eventually take a toll. So take a cleansing salt bath, do a meditation where you call in a protective light or the silver violet flame or even clear your space using a smudge stick or aura spray.
  1. Get Outside In Nature – Take a walk outside and get closer to the natural rhythm of mother earth. This is so good for our souls and allows us the time and space needed to reconnect to ourselves again. We have become so detached from the natural world and thus our own natural rhythms that we can forget how easy it is to find our balance again.
  1. Cleanse Your Space – Clearing any negative energy from your home and your space can help massively in clearing your own energies. By clearing our space we allow more positive energy to come in. You can do this by using incense, essential oils such as lavender and frankincense ( though double check the safety of this for pets).


You need to commit to yourself and that the time for you to recharge is your time. Sometimes this means working on our boundaries or maybe your need to please people. Having a self care practice is a powerful way of clearing your own energy field so that you can fill up your well in order to spread that light to others. Love must first come from within for you to really make a difference in the world.

