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Monthly Rhythm: Rising Up to Change

The energy of this month will bring awareness to things that are not working for us and inspire us to change them. Pay special attention to those areas of your life where you tend to be stubborn to change; these often have the biggest impact. Use these as clues to discover what you most urgently need to work on. This is a good time to anticipate what lies ahead and be confident as we move forward.     

The ups and downs of life in the world today are a sign of big changes taking place. As you contemplate the changes you need to make, think about what’s been holding you back. Is it stubbornness, an unwillingness to follow through, or not believing in your dreams, perhaps? This is a time for self-understanding, a time to adjust, to learn new life skills, and to be flexible as we move forward.

How do we free ourselves of bad habits and simplify our lives? Flexibility is key. We must be willing to adapt and go with the flow as change occurs. Let go of the emotional turmoil of the past, release patterns of behavior that no longer serve your best interests, and trust in a new vision of yourself.

Clear the clutter—the overthinking, the scapegoating, and other distractions—and focus on accomplishing one thing at a time. Consider collaborating with others to complete tasks. Instead of being complacent or playing the victim, look forward to change, be proactive, and get going. We’re each caught up in our own reality, a reality we create, and this is a highly creative time, so assert yourself and take advantage of it.

Change your paradigms. Be neutral and accept who you are. Forgive yourself. Don’t be overly attached to specific outcomes. Release the bad habits that have stifled your growth in the past. Create a whole new space in your mind, body, and heart. Accept the truth, take responsibility, and let your intuition be your guide. By honoring ourselves in this way, we raise our vibration and light our path.


