We all have lived with heavy emotions that we have carried with us throughout our lives. We may not be aware that these have been carried forward during our lives and have an impact on our future choices. Without a doubt, we have been given snippets of clues and opportunities to clear and wash away that we hang on so tightly to. However, we choose not to explore those clues and opportunities because it is uncomfortable. The longer it takes for us to work through those emotions, the more difficult it becomes. If the choice is not to work through those emotions, being stuck and unhappy becomes inevitable.
An experience from the past where it triggered something inside in the form of dense emotions (guilt, abandonment, shame, hurt, anger, resentment, etc) are embedded inside of us whether we realize this or not. It becomes a part of who we are, it contributes to our beliefs and thoughts. Hanging on so tightly to the emotions without feeling them, year after year you may begin to feel heavy.
Feeling this heaviness and not feeling ready to work through the emotions may cause putting on actual physical weight because of the unhealthy habits that have been started as a means to distract.
Here are some of the ways you can begin your journey towards releasing heavy emotions.
Awareness of Thoughts: When constantly thinking about the situation, the emotion being experienced, and/or the individual involved, will create a boomerang effect. The energy spent on the thoughts, words, or actions, whether they are done consciously or unconsciously, will end up coming back. It is the Law of Attraction and means that what you put out into the world (thoughts, words, and actions) you will receive back.
Distinct Perspective: Instead of carrying all of those emotions, ask yourself, “What did I learn from this experience?” and being able to take the lessons and apply them in the present and the future will eliminate further pain from occurring.
Melt Away by Journaling: This is a big one for me as it has been one of the best tools to release my heavy emotions. Remembering that it took you your whole lifetime to get where you are now so it is a process that may take a little bit; however, it will slowly begin to chisel away after a few journaling sessions. Journaling how I felt in that moment helped me to identify and bring awareness to my emotions. As the journaling continued, feeling the pain begin to melt away. It also melted away 90% of my physical chronic pain and progressed from there. Beginning to journal current feelings while also including an appreciation for anything relating to that emotion and to the Universe for putting this opportunity to heal in your awareness is a great place to start the process.
Moving forward by releasing those past emotions, will not only support your present but will also help your future moments. Realizing that you are loved, deserving, and also supported by Source, will motivate you to love yourself and those who were involved with your past.