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Monthly Rhythm: Recreating Ourselves

There was something different about this morning when I opened my eyes. The sun was bright, the air crisp, and the mood felt different somehow. Like a sunrise coming up over the mountains and illuminating all the beautiful colors of the sky, everything felt fresh, exciting, and new. As my intuition spoke to me about new beginnings and opportunities on the horizon, I said to myself, “So long 2020! Bring on the new year!”

This year has tremendous potential for cultivating new attitudes and beliefs. We’ll be able to recreate ourselves in whole new ways, and opportunities to seek out new support systems will be limitless. Last year was a test. Its effects are lingering with the ongoing pandemic. But we need to embrace it for the lesson it has been. What makes this new year so special is the abundance of new resources we now have before us. This will be a year filled with energy and new beginnings—a time to release the old emotional boundaries that have held us back in the past.

The key is to set new intentions, to trust, and to step out and do something new. Life doesn’t have to change completely, nor all at once. Change one small thing at a time and add to it each day. What a better way to greet the new year than with a new you and with new intentions. It all starts from within. Creativity is key this year. We need to be willing to break free of old barriers.

Dig deep and discover your true self. Finding ourselves is like peeling the layers of an onion. Start with the first layer and patiently peel away one layer at a time until you get to the center, the core of who you really are. Be comfortable with the truths you find. We’re peeling away the unpleasant layers too as we discover ourselves. The truth is found deep within. It starts with inspiration, desire, clarity, and the sort of guidance only intuition can provide.

Pay attention to the signs the universe gives you as you venture out on new paths this year. While the universe uses roadblocks to tell us it’s time to change course, it also has a way of letting us know when we’re on the right track. Find the support you need and take risks. Be flexible and roll with the changes this year brings. And remember, life is an adventure!

