Have you ever been on a spiritual high and then one day POOF all of a sudden you come down from that amazing sensation? Why is that? One day you are attracting nothing but positive vibes and successes and you are the closest you have ever been to the most high and then the next day you are not. How do you get back to that? Well apart from the obvious “start back devoting time into feeling that way again” I want to dive deeper with you on what it takes to recalibrate your spirit.
Here is a snippet of my story. From my womb I have birthed 3 beautiful girls, two of which I had back to back. The last one I decided to proceed with a natural birthing experience and that alone took me through the ringer. Once I had her I was exhausted, I tried to snap back like I normally would but it would only last for a few weeks and then I was off my spiritual high again.
But then I started to take note of myself and what would tend to drain me the most and prevent me from doing the things I needed to do in order to take care of my spirit and become a better version of myself.
Here are a few things I noted that may assist you in your recalibration.
I had too much of a heavy load – I had about 8 different things I was working on or needed to be complete that led me to decide to put my spiritual health on the back burner.
I stopped giving myself 1 on 1 time – I had a bigger family now and I had to adjust on figuring out how me time fitted in this new dynamic. I struggled finding work life balance.
I stopped praying as much as I normally would- I flat out just began to put my relationship with the most high on the back burner. What was in front of me is what had most if not all of my attention.
I stopped being active in groups that aided in my spiritual growth – I didn’t know how to juggle everything now and I become less active. This became less of a priority.
I stopped taking care of my physical self – this is one of the first things that commonly gets pushed to the side. I stopped devoting time to get back to the healthier version of myself before the babies.
I stopped CONNECTING- I stopped interacting with people that I could have intellectual conversations and spiritual growth opportunities with.
See, I clearly stopped, a lot; but the key to all of this is that I stopped caring about my spiritual health and put myself on the back burner. I had to GET BACK to these specific things to get me back headed towards my spiritual high.
So take a few moments and take note of yourself and what things you may have begun to neglect in different aspects of your life since you’ve lost your spiritual high. From there begin to RECALIBRATE.
Go Be Great!