In any new business adventure, you are constantly challenged with roadblocks, especially when it comes to a Spiritual Business. This is because for many intuitive souls who step into this path, we are predominantly working with the right-side of our brain and our feminine energy; we are highly creative, visual, receptive and learning to just be and allow things to come in.
We are highly imaginative yet when it comes to the nitty gritty with running a business, it can be very difficult to start using the more mental, focused side of our brain. It can mean for many women, we are required to get in touch with our masculine energy which is vital if we want to be a success.
The masculine part within us is making sure things are getting done; it’s our driving force, we are analytical, creating business plans & strategy’s, setting weekly goals, utilizing our time in constructive ways, dedicating a certain amount of hours per day to promote the business, using our logic, being organized and learning to be assertive.
Yet for many of us, we believe once we are being of service and connecting to our true path, everything will just fall into our lap, and this simply is not the case.
Many healers carry in their Spiritual Blueprint/DNA the cellular memories of lifetimes of doing this work in other lifetimes and being in poverty. We store many deep unexplainable fears around being successful, called a fraud, feeling responsible for humanity, afraid of being killed for our gifts and many other reasons we may block receiving clients.
As I work as a very powerful Spiritual Healer, I have many other practitioners come to see me and I am able to facilitate and help them clear everything they are holding onto; the common theme is not being open to receive support and lack of trust either with themselves or asking for help. There are issues around taking money for their services and this is very ingrained and programmed in their psyche.
This best possible advice I would give anyone who wishes to have a successful business and are relating to this article is: go see someone who can clear these very
old beliefs and wounding, because it can seriously hold you back from abundance and fulfilled in your work.
Hire someone who can do all the marketing for you; helps you create the vision of what you want your business to turn over, has a thorough understanding of how the internet works and how to target the right people, can offer support and guidance on setting up webinars, you tube videos, all the latest technology to get your message and the right clients to your website and multimedia.
You must challenge yourself and be clear what you actually want. Yes money is really important and we are not offering this for free, yet once you make it about being of service and how you can add value to people’s lives, being in total gratitude for what you stand for, then the clients will come.
ASK and you shall receive; be in your truth and integrity, come from your heart and the light. The world needs you, people are screaming for help. So look outside the square and get the support you need and you won’t look back.