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Are You Ready To Awaken Your Greatness?

 We are all destined to do great things, even though sometimes we feel like that greatness is suppressed deep within us, it is still there. All we need is the motivation to help awaken our greatness!

The important thing to remember is that there is no ‘right or wrong’ way to awaken your greatness and as long as we enjoy the journey, keep an open mind and learn something new every day we’ll get there easily.

To help you on the way, below are some simple but effective steps other spiritual entrepreneurs like YOU have used to achieve MASSIVE results in all areas of their lives.

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1. UNIFY YOUR EFFORTS: Scattered efforts produce scattered results. When you are able to focus on your inner purpose and concentrate your energies towards that which is deemed truly important to your hearts goals your passion will flow, you will increase your effectiveness and level of success.

Take time to meditate at the start of every day and write a list of the top 10 things you want to complete over the next 24 hours.

Stop reading now and start today’s list – take action!

The power of focus enables you to develop and execute successful strategies to achieve your professional and personal goals and objectives. Attention is energy! The greater its intensity, the greater your capacity to maintain the laser-like focus necessary to dismiss distractions that would delay or prevent your success.

2. WITH ACTION COMES TRACTION: Find whatever it is within you that inspires and excites and start there. Whenever you own your choices, good or bad you empower yourself. Do not over think things as you will only end up with too many paths to choose and end up going nowhere fast.

    Stay focused on you daily list of ’10 things you will complete’. Work on them one at a time, we may believe we can multitask but trying to focus on two important things at once will create conflict!

    The key is to start and allow the initiation of action to create momentum – this is not an opinion, it’s the law of physics.”

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3. THINK LIKE A SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEUR: You do not have to be a success to think like one. People who take ownership of their inner passion and professional success understand the importance of focusing on what is deemed most relevant to the success of their business and life. They make it their business to do so, day in and day out, without having a need to be told to do so. Their mind set is in tune with their life’s mission.

Napoleon Hill summed it up simply when he wrote “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve”.
To many people fail to follow the gut feelings that result in ethical balanced success and in turn follow other people’s hidden agendas and end up frustrated, annoyed and worst of all broke both spiritual, energetically and financially.

5. BABY STEPS COUNT: Always remember no matter how slow your progress, baby steps count. What matters is you have a clear vision and that you are taking some kind of action every day! A clear sense of purpose will always keep you moving forward and helps guide you when choosing which step to take next.

6. THE CALVARY AIN’T COMING: You have to take responsibility for the success you want in life. Only you can tap into the inner passion and vision contained within your head and heart. 

If it’s to be, it’s up to you! Stand up tall with a smile on your face, a clear action list in your mind and make things happen NOW.

Have you written your top 10 things to do today yet?

People can and will support and assist you but at the end of the day, your life is your responsibility. Blaming your past, your circumstances, your parents, your family, will not empower you to create and sustain the happiness and success you want in life and your clients will pick up on the subtly imbalance you give out.

Finally, the ability to forge connections is a great asset for a spiritual entrepreneur. In any business personal contact is key! No matter if its face to face, online or on the phone… everyone can and should be a networker.

Always have a clear objective when networking – yes it can be about forging new links and gaining fresh ideas from successful people that have already reached the places you are looking to. But it can also mean offering your knowledge, your inner passion or expertise to the very same people – it can be your chance to show the world – the Greatness within YOU!!


