Protecting yourself is more important than you possibly realize. Before I clear spirits or perform a dowsing consultation, I always put white light protection around myself, this protects me from any negative energies or attachments.
There are lots of different ways to protect yourself when working with energies; the way I protect myself is by sitting quietly and closing my eyes. I imagine a white light coming down from above my head and surrounding me, I then imagine I am standing on a floating glass shelf. Now this next part is so important and a lot of people forget to do this; while standing on the glass shelf I ensure the white light goes under my feet too otherwise I am leaving myself open and I won’t be fully protected.
A great healer friend of mine, Jim Robertson who sadly passed away a few years ago, taught me the importance of protection and because of my energy work, he told me to do this to protect myself every day before I put my foot out of bed in the morning. He also said that this process should be done many times throughout the day especially if that person is someone who is working with energy or who is empathic.
This is how Jim explained it to me…
“Imagine yourself as a fence panel, the first coat of creosote that is painted on the fence soaks right in, the second coat makes the fence color go a little darker, the third coat darker again. The more coats you add, the more layers of protection you have. It is the same with protecting ourselves, the more we surrounded ourselves with white light, the stronger our protection will be.”
A close friend of mine Joanne, contacted me for help and advice, one of her colleagues who she works very closely with is always negative. This colleague is so unlucky, she has family problems, she is a lazy worker because her get-up-and-go has gone, and she is always moaning. This has been affecting Joanne for months, she comes home from work feeling down and depressed, as though all her energy has been zapped away from her. Due to Joanne’s colleague always having negative thoughts and talking about all the negativity, without realizing it, she is attracting more and more negativity into her life. It’s a classic example of the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. I explained to Joanne how she should protect herself with white light every morning before she left for work, and how to be a ‘witness’.
The process of being a witness is to tell yourself that you are a witness before you meet the person and that the negative stuff is hers/his and not yours. This means you can be there for someone to support and help, but when you leave, you don’t take on their problems and take them home with you. This process really works, please try it. For this to work for me, I must purposely tell myself (you can say it out loud, or privately in your head) “I am a witness” before I am in the company of a negative person.
Joanne has followed my instructions on how to protect herself and is feeling much better. I have also suggested she explains to her colleague about how the Law of Attraction works, in the hope that she will then do her own research.
Something happened four years ago that was the proof I needed…
Whenever I go on a flight, I put white light around the airplane. I was traveling to New York with my family in 2017, as usual, I did my white light protection around the airplane. My son Jake watched me do this, like he always does, then looked out of the window and was amazed at what he saw. He took a photograph to show me, it was a reflection of our plane in the clouds with what appeared to be a ring of light around the plane.
This image completely blew my mind. I personally believe it was confirmation that by putting white light around ourselves does protect us. Below is the photograph he took, what do you think…?