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Processing Pain

Processing PainThroughout life we all experience pain.  Pain is truly a mystery at times in not just how to understand it fully, but how to overcome and move beyond our pain.  Pain is relative and affects millions of people worldwide on a daily basis.  Whether your pain is physical, emotional, financial, spiritual, or relational, there is hope.  I want to share with you some golden keys I’ve discovered and occasionally had to revisit in various seasons to not just manage my pain, but to transcend in my relationship with God in order to overcome and get my life back.


These 5 keys will truly change your experience, process, and outcome when given full focus and diligence.

  1. Cultivating Peace Brings Relief

Pain is always intensified and multiplied in torment or chaos.  In order to begin to get relief, we must cultivate peace in and around us.  There are countless ways to cultivate peace.  Find a strategy that works for you and let it morph as your process and season change.  But, this starts with practices that still our hearts, minds, homes, or the atmospheres for where we are healing within.  If our home, and minds are not at peace, then our spirit, soul, and body will struggle more in manifesting healing and change.  When we are in crisis, shock, or panic mode the key is to stop and decompress.  We have to be able to breathe.  Once we can still ourselves and work to focus on creating a peaceful atmosphere and mindset, then we are repositioning ourselves for not just immediate pain shifts, but we also are preparing the way for healing and new life to come forth.  We must ask God for peace and believe that we can not only manifest peace, but we can hold it and keep it for ourselves.  Sometimes the peace of God can manifest in, through, and around us in such great measure, it actually passes our own ability to understand what is happening.  The peace that passes understanding is a supernatural grace and wonder of God’s love and comfort.  Seek it and you will find it.  This peace is found in knowing you are loved by God, and that He will be there for you, and you will find Him when you seek Him.  He delights in rescuing, saving, and comforting.

  1. Take Inventory To Understand

Understanding the root of pain can be a great challenge.  This is especially true when we are hurting in our physical bodies and we do not know where the pain is coming from.  Or when pain in our bodies morphs into mental or emotional anguish.  This can also be allusive when we are hurting emotionally, and cannot discern the root of the pain, or we can misjudge the pain being from one source (person or situation or memory), when in fact the pain is coming from an entirely different root (cause).  Taking time to still ourselves, seek God, and allow ourselves to be totally honest with ourselves about our situation, then choosing to be 100% responsible for overcoming our circumstances can be harnessed faster and more effectively when we take the time to truly evaluate and allow the understanding to come.  Being still to know, brings the knowing.

  1. The Fellowship Of Suffering

This is a controversial subject but an essential key to overcoming pain and transcending the worst of experiences, tragedy, or loss.  Some teach and believe suffering is all self-inflicted, (or we create it ourselves), while others say that suffering is not controllable and you must just accept less than best when pains and suffering come.  My approach and experience are that pain and suffering come to all (both good and bad).  Suffering is not always easily understood, but in the pressings of change, suffering can be harnessed so that the Sovereignty of God, life’s beauty, wisdom, and transcendence power can arise as a result of one facing and (being) with your pain.  To be with your paint is to fellowship with suffering.  This can bring one great enlightenment, but this is not to say we should welcome suffering, thinking it is the only way to the change that could not otherwise come, but consider instead when we find ourselves in suffering to embrace the fellowship of the pain in order to find the hidden gifts of grace, wisdom, and transformational life that is to be revealed in the dark hours of pain only to then spring forth into our advance.

  1. Pain Can Change Only Believe

You will have to lean on God and others for comfort and hope.  For your soul and body to be soothed from sadness or anguish so that you can position yourself fully to receive, we have to humble ourselves to receive help.  This can be a raw vulnerability, but then change to recover and live again beyond your pains and suffering can be easily obtained (and it’s what we all need anyway when we’re hurting).  It is so easy to believe that all your efforts to feel better are in vain.  But there are new lessons of understanding and the energy of new life awaiting to flow as you position in a new way to believe and receive.  You have to believe that your pain will change, even if it’s been days, weeks, or years of waiting.  Today, even now, can be and IS a day of shift.

  1. Negative Beliefs About Pain Must Be Reframed

Our beliefs are at the core of change both in and through pain.  To accept limitations is to hinder yourself.  This limitation is directly tied to how you see, identify and love yourself.  Instead of thinking thoughts like: “nothing can be done”, “God is mad at me”, “I cannot cope”, “I won’t make it”, “this isn’t fair”, “I am weak”, “I’m being punished”, “I am rejected”, we instead have to allow for the reprogramming of our beliefs and go beyond the limitations in our beliefs.  It’s as simple as having another thought.  Imperfection is part of the human experience, and although there may be functioning limitations in your health, a new normal can be obtained and lived with joy and love.  To see yourself as a burden is to ridicule yourself.  All negative limiting beliefs can be reprogrammed so that you can receive love and acceptance from God and others, and especially yourself.  Without this, you are hindering your own healing and wholeness process.  Find the limiting negative lies in your pain process and replace them with prayers for help, receiving comfort, staying grateful, and embracing the transformational change that is for your better regardless of the loss or trauma.


One of my favorite scriptures is, “He is acquainted with all my grief.”  God is able to meet you at your deepest point of need, and with dignified comforting grace and hope so that new life can be known and lived.  Don’t stop believing, and letting go in the surrender will not only bring relief but hope, joy, and new life.

