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Poison-Free Your Mind

The television is the most dangerous weapon known to man. There is no sugar coating this. Millions of people suffer from mental illness and crippling physical ailments. This large rectangular box in the center of your home is causing most of these problems.

Some words come to mind when thinking about this object: time waster, poison, brainwashing, programming.  It should be no surprise that’s why they call the channels you’re watching tv programming. And television, the name itself is more represented as tell-a-vision. They are feeding you stories that are designed to play off your emotions and keep you from seeing the real world in front of you.

How much tv does the average person watch each day? the answer is four hours. Four hours of your day, and that number rises dramatically for others. Sitting on your couch, watching characters live their lives in exaggerated circumstances. And we have programming for every occasion! Action, Romance, Mystery, Horror. Pick your emotional control, and if you really want to get fired up with some righteous anger, you can always turn on your six o’clock news and watch some “middle eastern” terrorists bomb a school.

Tv is addictive by design. It is a drug created to keep you fixated in virtual worlds that help you disassociate from your actual real-world life. The tv has made the masses of people idiotic and stupid. Lusting after what they see celebrities endorse, brand name clothing, luxury cars, and mansions. Teaching people through romance movies you can’t be complete without someone else to love you, idolizing fictional superhuman and god type characters in superhero movies. It’s all made to make you feel lesser then.

Streaming services have exploded in the last decade. With the consumption of entertainment being more passive. People binge-watch Netflix and other streaming service shows. The amount of information that’s jammed into a single episode of most shows is difficult to fully process, let alone when you watch one after the other in a single day.

When you can disconnect yourself from the television, you start considering more valuable things to do with your time. The screens create a habitual pattern in your life. Which is nearly impossible to pull yourself away from? Because they are fun and entertaining. The overstimulation of what is pleasurable and makes us feel good short term is a real issue in our society.

If you want to stand a real chance of making something out of yourself, genuinely finding who you are and what you want. To not be a stranger in your skin. Then get rid of the television. I promise you after a few weeks you won’t even think about using it.

I alluded earlier that the television was designed to play off your emotions. The people who created it never had your interests in mind of being informed and properly educated on the things that matter; knowing about yourself and the natural world to make informed decisions.

It turns out it’s relatively easy to control what someone thinks. By convincing them, they were the ones that made the choice in the first place. These people know how the human mind operates; they understand the complexities of psychology and mind control. It was always about power and control, and the television is their weapon.

