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Overcoming Denial Will Set You Free

What would be less difficult? For us to remain living in denial, acting as if the state of our life is favorable? Or facing the parts of ourselves we know are going to cause us pain and suffering? Facing the reality of working in a job that’s sucking our soul dry, admitting to your partner that you’re not compatible, or dropping out of a University program that you don’t enjoy?

We are terrified of the unknown. We spend our full day thinking about things that have never actually happened. Things like, “If I quit my job, I would be homeless” or “If I dropped out of college, nobody would want me”. The Ego speaks in absolutes – convinced that if you go off script from what it decides for you, then you’ll fail, end up broke, dumb, and die alone.

Fear prevents us from living full and abundant lives. We are so worried, “If I do this wrong, if I make the wrong choice, then I’ll surely put myself in a bad place.” All the while being completely oblivious to the fact that we are already in a bad place.

We seem to think that we have an idea of what our lives could be, what we actually want, what we truly desire, what brings our soul alive. But most people don’t have any clue, even if they think they do. We constantly compromise, “I don’t really need that much money to live”, “They treat me well enough, at least I’m not alone”, “I make enough money, so what if I don’t love my job”. For people who call themselves spiritual, this can be even more damaging because we instill these thoughts backed by spiritual ideology, this can take form as, “everything happens for a reason, so it’s part of the plan, I work as a pizza delivery driver”. We fail to understand that we have free choice in this world, to choose what’s best for us or what will make us worse off. Just because Source is constantly providing you with opportunities doesn’t mean you will take them.

You with your Ego at the helm will come up with the most creative of excuses, “I just can’t do extraordinary things”, “I can’t manifest miracles because I’ve never seen anyone I know create them”, “I’ll never travel the world on a whim because I’m just not that smart or have access to those types of resources”. Or it can say the opposite, “I’m so talented, I can already do extraordinary things”, “I can manifest miracles right now, I can change the lives of everyone you meet”. It either under or oversells.

It’s called a Paradigm Shift for a reason. Everything you think you know, everything you think you are. All of it will change so dramatically that you won’t be able to recognize yourself. This thought can be overwhelming for some and for our loved ones who are seeing such changes within you, thoughts in their head, “If they keep going the way they are, they’ll stop talking with me”, can cause them to try and sabotage us even if it’s an unconscious action.

There are so many obstacles preventing you from living the life you deserve. It takes dedication, willpower, confidence, courage, vulnerability, and resourcefulness. The map to get there is not laid out for you. It is not a simple process. It is a constant marathon with no finish. It is endless on what you can achieve, what you can create. The only limit that you have is your own imagination, but you won’t have any of it until you do the inner work – face your shadow, traumas, dramas, limiting beliefs, negative behavior, and habits. All of the things that bring up unpleasant emotions within you. You have to slay the dragon before you can acquire the treasure. Once you truly love yourself unconditionally, that is when miracles start to occur in your life.

Miserable people have easy lives. Extraordinary people have difficult lives.

