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Monthly Rhythm: Our Time to Shine!

The energy of this month has a spectrum of influences—feelings of being out of control, feeling disconnected from our daily routines, experiencing confusion, anxiety, or self-destruction. Feelings like these tend to make us want to retreat and bury our head in the sand. Us people-pleasers may be feeling like we’re done with trying to please others. Some of us may be feeling like we don’t even know why we’re feeling out of control.

Yet, another influence this month is a growing feeling that positive changes are coming—there’s something new on the horizon! Excitement and anticipation are in the air for new changes and this will bring out the creative side in us to tackle new challenges.

This month it’s about bringing balance and control to our lives. The spectrum of energy is here for the purpose of forcing us to focus. When we’re focused, it grounds us and protects us from getting stuck in old patterns—patterns that prevent us from moving on. Sometimes we need to rearrange our thoughts to do so. It’s about like taking a puzzle out of a box, dumping it on the table, and rearranging it to create the picture we desire.

If we’re habitual people-pleasers, the changing energy this month will inspire us to create space for ourselves and to not make others our sole priority. We should take note of how we tend to please others. Are we comforting and accommodating to the point of doing things that we don’t want to do? We should take note of the anxiety we experience when we obsessively try to please others. This well-intentioned amiable quality depletes our energy, disconnects us from our own desires, and robs us of our own sense of accomplishment.

It’s not that we have to be selfish or completely abandon selflessness to make our self a priority. But we do need to fill our own cup. In much the same way that we can only love others to the extent that we first love ourselves, we need to first give to ourselves before we can truly give to others. This allows our capacity to give to grow abundantly and prevents us from depleting our own energy.

The great thing about this is that we’re not alone—we’re all in this together! There is such a thing as collective energy. Let’s start by facing the truth, healing the wounds that have kept us bound, and forgiving the past. If people are negative, let’s resist their drama. Let’s work at our own pace and take on only what we can handle. If in the past we felt stuck, now is the time to let go and take advantage of the new opportunities facing us. Let’s take those baby steps and heal at our own pace. It’s our time to shine!


