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Our Darkest Hour Creates Our Brightest Character

There’s a defining, singular moment, often noted when you’ve dropped to your knees, when your character as a unique piece of art in this world has been tested to breaking point, this is when the essence of the new person is formed, that is required for your future greatness. Some liken it to a butterfly appearing from its chrysalis, which is quite a romantic way of describing an often brutal and life-changing period. It’s not normally pretty.

Personal battles are a lonely journey of self, in what feels like something totally against our will. They break the old character down to allow space for the new one capable of mastering the next part of the journey, which is our true greatness. This is not the gift of a chosen few; we’re all born for greatness.

For those with the foresight, one can sense something beautiful is being crafted. I know, it’s hard to find the beauty when you’re forced to submit, when you’re broken, battered and confused, with the feeling that there is nowhere left to run. I often joke; even when I wanted to run away, the trouble was I was taking me with me. Finally, one day you give in to the change, you let go of what you once believed was you and accept that you have been chiseled into a more advanced, smarter, evolved and empathetic being.

The age of self-development can be a double-edged sword; if we keep telling ourselves, we need to be better, that we need to improve…we may also be telling ourselves indirectly that we’re not good enough as we are. But you are, aren’t you? You’re just perfect! Instead, perhaps choose clearly the person you need to be to have what you desire and then find the tools/coaches/mentors or programs to become this.

We are saturated with Books, Podcasts, YouTube, Workshops, Social Media Posts & Coaches telling us that all you have to do is meditate, create a strong vision and choose what thoughts you allow to occupy your mind. I was told once ‘that for every negative thought I had I needed to replace with three positive ones. Good lord, that was the most time consuming few days I’ve ever had. I was exhausted. That’s a full-time job!

It’s near impossible to force yourself to be happy when you’re living in the ‘dark’. But what you can do is move towards better feelings. This can be done by choosing activities that make you feel good, that bring you happiness, joy and make you smile; these things change your whole experience internally.

When asked what do you want from life, most people reply with,

“I want to be happy’.

You ask, “Ok are you happy”?

“No” they reply

What people don’t quite grasp sometimes, is to be happy you need to be doing the things that make you happy. So what are they? When you know what this is, then ensure you’re doing some of these each and every day.

Chase happy moments and activities until one day you catch yourself skipping to the kitchen or whistling your favorite theme song, and you think…Holy Shit, I’m happy!

A friend of mine told me 3 years ago, “Andrew every time you’re unsure about something ask yourself, does this bring you Joy”? She got me to write down 10 things that bring me Joy and then simply start incorporating these into my every day. And of course, less of the things that were not making me happy (I identified these too) including being on my laptop instead of creating and admin! I still have that piece of paper on my desk at home.

I’m truly empathetic to those who are going through the experience of hard change. However, remember each and every day, that a somewhat glorious transformation is happening when your world is falling apart; just when your knees finally hit the floor, when you have what feels like nothing left, a sense of empathy and higher intelligence emerges as your real truth appears right before you, and the mask can be removed.

You were born for greatness and sometimes in order to achieve that, you’re character needs to be created.

Andrew Eggelton

