“Thank God!!! Thank you Universe!!! Thank you!!! I’ve MADE IT! I survived! What an Awesome feeling!” These were the feelings we had when we managed to conquer something.
But when things didn’t go our way, there are other types of expression: “WTF! Oh man! Gosh!”
Remember the setbacks and the actions we took after it? What was the choice we made:
a) I will not allow it to happen again.
b) I give up.
Neither option A nor B, both can lead us to CHANGE our mindset to find evidence(s) on:
a) There must be a way to achieve this.
b) It cannot be done.
The choices we make lead to the change in our life path.
Change is not always easy. There is more to come on the way based on the option we choose.
Option A
“This can be done, but how?” “In what ways can this be done better?”
This normally leads to the most positive outcome and a great change in our life.
Here’s a story of my client about failing to lose weight to run a marathon. My client signs up for a 21km marathon 6 months prior to the run. Given that the woman’s size was UK size 14 with 73kg of weight, it was not easy to lose weight or train to lose weight within 6 months period without a fitness coach and strong determination.
In the next 6 months, the client did not train herself up, continued eating and gained even more weight. 1 month prior to the run, during our 1st consultation, I found out that she was being forced to sign up for a friend in order to lose weight. Unwilling to seriously lose weight, she stressed out about the coming event, she ate more to release the tension. Her action were to go against the actual purpose which was to lose weight.
She ended up with UK size 16 and weight of 78kg. She wanted to give up her run. She wanted the easy way out by just giving up. As a life consultant, how am I to salvage the current situation? So I asked her for a list of the worst thing to happen if she went on the run – leg cramp, inability to finish the race, people’s judgement, and all sorts of other excuses she could have come up with.
At that point, she has a choice. Option A or Option B. She chose Option A: to go for it with a new mindset even with the size 16. I could say I was proud of her, she may not run all 21 km but she completed the 21km race that morning.
Option B
Cursing, swearing and blaming – these small little gestures or languages that we tend to neglect in front of others. We may feel it is harmless to us, but we actually fail to realize this invisible Aura of Demeanor that we create and somehow become the ICON of Representation in other people’s eyes.
We continue accusing the “BIG WHY” of others being fat, unhealthy, lazy, etc…Others will not only hear and see that, but back in their mind they judge, give us scoring points and even question, “Have you been tidy and clean up your own “MENTAL STORAGE”?” Immediately after that, we are classified as an enemy, demeanor, or unreasonable person.
In the end, we lose a good opportunity and great platform, and even a noble person would stay away from us for good. Simply said, we are against ourselves and block the abundance flow of wealth to us! Worst of all, we may not even realize we have lost so much.
Regardless of option A or B, you have the option of change! Do note that this seed of decision that you plant, germinate and grow, solely depends on you willing to do it. As long as you want it, even in the mist of barren land and soil, the seed will germinate, and growth will take place when you decide to change your beliefs. If there is no will, even an acre of fertile land, it will not help. The most important key is “YOU“, the driving force behind this decision factor. It is in your hands to Change!