We are all keen to find ways to help improve our business and career, so why not attract helpful people to give you a helping hand?
A few small adjustments in your home or office is all that is needed to increase your feng shui luck in this area.
The northwest sector represents ‘big metal’ but also ‘helpful people’. We are at an advantage in business when we can attract first-class contacts, mentors and a great network of people who turn up just at the right time to give you a good lead or connect you to the right person. This can give you a foot up or a shortcut in your business and save you a lot of time and hard work. Most of us have heard the saying “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. This is not completely true as we do also need knowledge and expertise to go hand-in-hand with helpful people.
As the northwest sector is ‘big metal’, to create more opportunities I recommend you add lots of shiny metal to this sector. You can use anything that’s metallic and shiny like metal ornaments or metal artwork. Moving metal is perfect to keep the energy moving and the area active, so a pendulum clock or fan is ideal. In 2017, because of the way the energies have moved, you may find that it’s women that help you more than men this year. A great tip for the office: if you have a metal filing cabinet, why not rearrange your office so this is placed in the northwest corner of the office.
Great colors to paint this area are the metal colors: white, silver, gray; or you can also use earth colors: beige or yellow. The Northwest is very important in a home when the man is the breadwinner, so painting this sector in the correct colors can support him in his career and business. Another important tip is always to avoid having or using a fireplace in the northwest because fire destroys the metal energy.
As well as helpful people, the northwest sector also represents ‘travel’, and by activating this sector, you can invite international travel for business or pleasure.
Feng shui has certainly worked for me by activating the northwest sector of my home. Nearly three years ago, I placed a concha shell in this sector and I also placed a crystal globe in the northwest of my office, which I often give a twirl to as I walk past. The result has amazed me; I have never traveled so much in my life. I have traveled to Amsterdam, Dubai, Florida, Hamburg, Hong Kong, London, Marbella, Portugal, Prague, Scotland, Switzerland and Tenerife, all within 18 months.
I am now lucky enough to have plans to either visit or work in the following cities this year; Barcelona, Hamburg, Las Vegas, Liverpool, London, Munich, New York, Zurich and possibly Austin in Texas. It even seems unbelievable to me, but it’s true! I have recently had an inquiry to deliver Dowsing training to a small group in Australia.
Before I activated the Northwest with the intention of traveling more, our family holidays were limited to one trip every three years. Of course, I am delighted with this result.