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There are lots of reasons why we decide to move house, some popular reasons are: relocation due to career, children’s schooling, poor finances, job loss, to be closer to family and friends, not feeling comfortable with the energy in your home. 

If you decide moving is the only option for you then I would like to give you some tips on what to pay attention to or avoid when purchasing or renting a new property, be it a house, apartment or flat.

It is common for the same house in the street to repeatedly be ‘For Sale’ or ‘To Let’.  This is often due to illness, relationship breakdown or divorce, and this pattern repeats.  It can also be due to negative entities/energies in the property too that make the occupiers feel uneasy and unhappy there.  I suggest you ask questions about the house you are considering buying or renting before you make your final decision.


1.   Ask about the previous occupiers.  If there has been repeated sickness in the house then this is a big concern.  I was asked to perform a dowsing consultation on a local property because the owners had concerns about a house across the street.  The last three owners of this house had been diagnosed with cancer.  One next door neighbour has also had cancer and another neighbour had a miscarriage.  After some investigation, I discovered hidden from view behind the house opposite was a sharp community hall steeple (poison arrow) which I believe was causing noxious energies.  I dowsed and put protection around this noxious energy to cure it, but I wanted to make you aware how important it is to check out your environment and ask questions.

2.   Check if there has been a history of bankruptcy or financial difficulties for previous owners at the property.  Again, this can repeat itself for new owners unless cleared.

3.   Is divorce a common factor with previous owners?  Couples that argue and sometimes part can leave behind a ‘detrimental energy form’ which occupies the space they live in.  Future residents can also be affected by this and often add to the negative energy by also quarreling.  

4.   Has the house been up for sale long?  If it has, then this could be because viewers don’t like the ‘feel’ of the house.  Pay attention to how the property makes you feel.

5.   Will all the occupier’s furniture and belongings be removed?  Sometimes the seller offers to leave your items of furniture which you may be grateful for.  Or you may be moving into rented, furnished accommodation, be careful, this furniture also has an imprint of the previous occupier’s energy.  This furniture must be cleansed before you move in and use it, along with a house space clearing. 

By doing this little bit of detective work, it can give you an idea of the future you are likely to attract in this home before you perform any space clearing, dowsing or feng shui.  If you find out there have been repeating patterns of illness, death, bankruptcy, divorce, etc and you still love the house, don’t panic!  As long as the house has been space cleared and maybe dowsed, then that energy will have been removed. 

For more information on space clearing and dowsing, visit my website

If you need advice about the energy level in your home or have any questions about space clearing, dowsing or feng shui, I will be happy to help.  Please, contact me via my website.


