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Monthly Rhythm: Transformation

I was inspired to clean out my closet this weekend — a project I had been putting off for weeks. As I proceeded with this dreaded task and began sorting through several items of clothing that no longer fit or were out of style, I was reminded of how we sometimes cling to old beliefs and the illusion of comfort these and other psychological attachments give us. But then I thought about the many opportunities that this month will bring to release the past and transform ourselves.

Despite any disappointments and judgments that we may be clinging to, this month’s momentum will propel us to release at a deeper level. We will be inspired by our own creativity and potential, but we’ll need to get past our fear of change.

With all the creative inspiration this month brings, transformation is inevitable. Change will take place on many levels — losing habits that no longer serve us, changing relationships or careers, or simply finding new outlooks on life. So be ready to commit to transformation. Ask yourself, “How committed am I?”

Commitment creates character, which allows the divine within us to bloom. Yet when we’re ready to release, we tend to feel discomfort, which comes from fear of change. Yet it’s only a matter of time before we’re able to get past it and let go. Face your fears so you can quickly and consciously release them; and keep releasing them until releasing becomes a habit.

We’re all born with courage. This courage will help us navigate our way through this month. All we have to do is face the truth. Stand up for yourself but be compassionate with others who don’t understand the source of the fear they are experiencing.

At times this month, as we react to things we know we must face, we may feel like we’re caught up in an emotional battle. However, what is wonderful about this month is the inevitable transformation that has already begun to take place.

