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Monthly Rhythm: A New Story

“Once upon a time”—that familiar phrase, the beginning of so many children’s stories, evokes feelings of comfort and peace. As a child snuggled up in my bed, hearing my mother read these words always gave me such a wonderful sense of comfort and peace. Yet comfort and peace are hard to come by as an adult in today’s everchanging world, and so many of us are feeling ungrounded in these uncertain transitional times.

With change comes questions—questions like, what’s next? or, what do I want out of life? So we find ourselves in that uncomfortable place of not knowing. But this is where we find answers. It starts a process of inner searching for the truth and forces us to make choices so we can stay the course on our chosen path.

When we encounter obstacles, this is not a time to crumble and give up. It’s a reality check and an eye-opener, a place where we’re able to identify and understand distractions—the agendas of other people, for example. It can enlighten us to how these distractions prevent us from writing the story we want to live. Ask yourself, where am I right now and where do I want to be? And then ask, what’s holding me hostage and keeping me from realizing my dreams?

This month provides us with opportunities to adjust our attitude and rewrite our story. This is a time to get in touch with your inner warrior and seize the courage within. Thoughts like, maybe one day I will, or, I want but I’m afraid I can’t, are a waste of time and counterproductive. Take yourself seriously and respect your dreams.

Honor the changes that are taking place. Stop complaining about other people, situations, and the world around you. Trust your inner voice and follow your heart, and everything will come to you in its time. Don’t get caught up in the misbelief that you can’t make things happen. You are the author of your own story.

