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Mask of Evil: a Trick the Devil Played on Humanity

Do we as humans understand the difference between what is right or wrong? Has this become tainted and obscured over time on this planet? Substituting our divine laws with philosophies centered around so-called freedom, “do as thou wilt.” What if humans did not know who they were, what they were made of what guiding principles and values they naturally embodied.

Humans have been led astray by what is considered sleek and sexy. Concepts shaped in “individualism.” That relies on logic, reason, and what is deemed to be practical. Take the philosophy of Existentialism—the excuse to commit murder. In Existentialism, there is no right or wrong, only what you make of it. Does anyone spot the inherent danger in holding such beliefs?

Make no mistake about it, The Devil is real, and he uses thought systems like this one that has become widely popular in youth circles to fuel the destruction of society. Create anarchy and chaos to spread a never-ending storm of fear. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in the Devil. Only that millions of people in this world do & they worship him by committing crimes against humanity.

As true lightworkers, we need to be aware of the darkness, The true darkness. Our ignorance is their power. Our inability to consider the capability of evil in others leaves us open to attack and the continuation of these crimes.

The Devil makes things look very enticing. Sex, drugs, and rock & roll.” It’s only a video game,” it’s just a movie, it’s only an ideology centered around freedom.”

What use would the Devil have to expose us to all of the evil in the world right out of the gate? None, Us humans would automatically condemn it. But what if we were drip-fed this poison. They push violence and murder in the media entertainment we consume; Blur the lines between personal defense and war. They are pushing people further from a loving God.

The name of the game is divide and conquer any means to accomplish that mission is leveraged—division through the race, gender, culture, ideology, religion. Anything you can think of that leads to more people choosing sides and fighting tooth and nail to defend these beliefs supposedly.

When you can guarantee a human will attach their entire being, the reason for existing to one of these external factors. They will fight and die for that cause. Guaranteeing perpetual conflict.

How do we fight against the Devil? We understand God. We become aware of our warrior spirit equip ourselves with the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of Salvation, the belt of Spirit, the shoes of Peace, the Sword of Truth, The word of God, The Shield of Faith, and constant prayer. We become aware of the Devil, his minions, and their tricks.

The Devil feeds off of fear. He can easily manipulate and control lost souls who have strayed from God. Trick them into believing in a false reality. Make them think they are in control, believing that they are all-knowing and free from the darkness.

The light of Truth destroys the ignorance of darkness. Seek & you shall find Peace & Unity in our loving God.

