#1: DECIDE what you wish to manifest. Write it down in a journal or on a piece of paper. Example:
- Health
- Prosperity
- New love relationship – friends
- Home, car, meals, books, courses, etc.
- Job or career
Proclaim how you want to FEEL when you manifest these dreams into your life. Do this by listing 8 to 10 qualities of the wish. This sets a powerful intention. Be clear and concise with what you want.
#2. ASK Goddess Diana and all beings of love and light for support every step of the way for your highest and best good.
Diana is a powerful Roman moon goddess. Her aura color is yellow. Visualize her golden yellow aura enveloping you. She will help you birth in your new ideas. You can call upon her to help you stay connected to your goals. She will help ground you.
She will help you when you feel frustrated that you have so many ideas but can’t seem to complete them. She will help you unlock the energy of creation to help you follow through. Diana says to call upon her to help you create the space and time you can devote to get into your heart space for manifestation. You can do this during meditation. Ask her to clear any blocks in your chakras that are stopping you from achieving your goals.
Take a few moments each morning to set intentions for the day. Allow your heart to guide you into the visualization and FEELINGS of creation. Remember that intention is a key to creating your reality. If you are having trouble remaining focused you can ask Diana to assist you in creating healthy boundaries and keeping your distractions to a minimum until your tasks are completed.
Affirm: I trust that my intuition will guide me down the highest road. I ask my highest self to guide me with divine ideas to help me manifest the goals that I am wishing to attain.
To call her in say out loud or in your head:
“Dear Goddess Diana I invite you into my life to help me prepare a schedule that will help me manifest my goals and intentions. Help me to honor my goals, stay on track and say no when others demand my time. I am trusting that my intuition is your voice guiding me down this path to manifesting my dreams, desires, and wishes. Thank you for sending me clear signs I understand. I appreciate your Divine help. Thank you and so it is,” – she says TRUST that she indeed will help.
Manifestation and creation occur when you pay attention to your thoughts. Where you direct your thoughts is what creates your reality. Energy flows where your attention goes. Focus your energy on your intention. Use your intuition to guide you to take inspired action. You may feel, hear, see or just know the steps to take.
She and your Divine team will bring you the signs but you must take the action to bring it into reality.
# 3: Let Go
Letting go of old clutter in your physical space and thoughts creates space for your miracles to appear in every area of life. Basically, you let go of everything you own that you don’t love. Clean your house, car, desk or office. Think positive.
#4: Believe you are worthy of miracles and expect them!
You are a child of the Divine and abundance is your Divine right. Love yourself passionately! Allow the Divine magic to unfold. Release the how. Surrender and trust.
#5: Surround yourself with positive people
Do you have friends who are jealous of you or don’t want you to succeed? – Those people might be the resistance that is holding you back – Ask yourself if it is wise to continue having people like that in your life?
#6: Each day read your list, FEEL how happy and grateful you are to be alive to co-create what it is you desire.
#7: Magic formula to manifest it all.
- ASK –because of the law of free will we must ask
- ALLOW – the help
- BELIEVE – they have heard you
- SURRENDER – the how it will come
- TRUST – with an open heart
- RECEIVE – be open to receive
#8: Ways to stay in a high vibration/energy state:
We are energy, frequency, and vibration and so is the Divine. In order to attract what we want to manifest, we must match the energy of it.
Joy, light, love, compassion, passion, enthusiasm, optimism, hope, grace, positivity, kindness, gratitude, and forgiveness are all high vibrations.
Eat green as much as possible. Stay hydrated. Move your body and get fresh air and sunshine.
*Goddess information learned in the “Goddess Healing Matrix Course” (copyright) by Velva Dawn Silver of http://velvadawn.com/ and used with permission.