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Living as a Light Warrior and Standing up for Truth

There is a price to speaking your truth when it lines up with what is against the established narrative of society. You will be mocked, and people will exhibit hate towards you. Your reputation in your local community will be attacked, your past will be used against you, and you will be alienated and dehumanized.

The path of truth is a lonely road to walk. It is very uncomfortable. You can feel paranoid like other people are plotting against you, have difficulty sleeping at night because you’re just waiting for a pair of headlights to stream past your window.

Threats are the name of the game when you refuse to follow the script everyone else is going along with. If you haven’t had anyone respond like this or have gone through similar experiences that cause you to struggle with fear and paranoia. I would say you are doing this whole truther thing incorrectly.

Playing things safe this late in the game is destructive, staying in our own lane, careful not to say the wrong thing to a delusional person, convinced in this clown world most of society has decided to accept.

Within the spiritual community, there is a massive spectrum. Those who focus on spreading the love and the light, encouraging others through positive affirmations. Looking on the bright side, not focusing on what is called the negative. Those who choose to spend time and attention towards those already on board with how they view the world because they don’t want to have people yelling at them with the chances of speaking with someone who would try and tear them down.  When they inevitably have their intelligence insulted or their character personally ridiculed.

Then there are those on the front line who deal with the hate mob. Face them out in the open; Share what is on their minds because they know it’s the right thing to do. It may not be easy, but it is undoubtedly necessary. After all, we are fighting a war. There seems to be division everywhere. Some lightworkers see it more than others, and of course, that is by design.

Some lightworkers grew up exactly where they needed to be when the time came. There are many areas of the globe, many small towns with thousands of sleeping lions. Unfortunately, they are so asleep that they have become sheep to the system and will fight to protect it when it is threatened.

Stand in your light, refusing to give in to fear and choosing not to bow to the crowd just because the battle seems futile. We have to stand up for what we believe is right, especially when others are firmly for the other side.

I was verbally assaulted the other day online by over 500 people after I put out a video of me walking into my local grocery store without a mask on. People called me an idiot, uneducated, unbalanced; some even told me they hoped I get covid and die. I have never experienced so much hatred before in my life, but I didn’t hold what they were saying against anyone. I knew their anger and hatred were not directed towards me but themselves. I was just an easy target.

Jesus once said: If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. I never really understood until this very moment what that meant. But once you lived it. When you feel like you need to sleep with a knife nearby your bedside, for fear of someone breaking into your house, that’s where things are put into perspective.

I will admit there was a moment when I was scared, but eventually, I got over that fear and realized that You know when you are truly alive when you die for a cause you believe in. This is spiritual warfare, and we are warriors of light.

The truth is coming hard and fast. Now is not the time to hide who we are and what we believe in. For lightworkers, our beliefs are the center of our identity, and the mission is everything. And my mission is to brining the ignorance of darkness to the light of awareness with the comes resistance.

