Since the dawn of time, humanity has relentlessly searched for the meaning of life, hoping to quench an inner sense of expression through outward adventures and conquests. We’ve created astounding works of art, climbed to the tops of corporate ladders, made millions of dollars, and donated those millions to worthy causes, and still, we continue to reach for greater and greater accomplishments.
It is the essence of the soul to “be” creative, and it is the nature of the mind to search outwardly for creation.
Humanity is constantly searching for its life purpose. While these outward accomplishments are wonderful testaments to human creativity and stamina, they seldom constitute a person’s true reason for being.
In the words of the American singer/songwriter/poet, Michael Franti, “The purpose of life is to live a life full of purpose.”
That is good advice for anyone, but how do we ultimately find and know our life purpose?
Perhaps it’s best to start with the definition of “life purpose”.
Life purpose is the central theme and underlying motivation for the direction and experience of our lives. It’s our reason for creating. It influences everything from thoughts and behavior to personal desires and goals, reflecting the age-old, existential questions, “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”.
Yet, the ability to define one’s purpose is not so cut and dried. Many folks may consider themselves to be whatever their job or position in life demands. Some may have an internal sense of who they are because of what others have called them in the past. Others still, may live their lives from an innate sense of following their intuition, trusting an unobserved reality that for them, is truth.
I think it would be safe to say that we have all encountered a combination of these scenarios throughout our lives which have shaped our individual experiences and ultimately directed our lives.
“Who am I?”
“Why am I here?”
Have you given these questions much thought? They’re not so easy to answer, are they? Yet, knowing what brings joy to your life and peace to your soul can offer a clue to the essence of your life purpose.
There is a profound benefit of knowing “who you are” and what you want out of life. When you know what brings you joy and also what causes you pain, you can make mindful choices that guide you along the path of your purpose.
It can be quite painful or unsettling, however, not knowing what you want, or where you want to go. You might feel as if you’re wasting your time, or worse, wasting your life. So, how can you overcome this distracted inertia and find meaning to create purpose in your life?
Mindfulness is a simple tool that focuses your attention on the present moment. When the outer world feels too busy and chaotic, by focusing on your breath, you can bring awareness to your internal dialogue that sometimes undermines your self-confidence and sabotages your best efforts. Recognizing this inner dialogue allows you to break negative patterns and make conscious decisions regarding your hopes and desires. This internal understanding offers a clearer path to your purpose.
Whether you accomplish lavish outward goals or live a simple life of inner peace, your life purpose can be found in turning inward and trusting yourself. One key is to not focus on being successful but instead work toward being significant. Remembering who you are and what makes you happy will give you the biggest clue to how you can serve the world through your life purpose. Do what you love and give it back in the form of service, and you will do more than succeed. You will thrive.