Love is the highest vibration there is. It is the truth of who we really are. We come from love and return to love.
As we walk through this journey we call life it is important to only focus on love during intense times of growth. It is ok to feel all the feelings we encounter and process through hard times, however, love is what will carry you through to the other side of pain. We learn the lesson that is meant for us to learn and grow, heal and expand us.
Don’t allow fear to derail you. Allow your spirit to guide you to the truth of who you are. LOVE. Fear only serves to distract you on your path. Listen only to love. Allow this energy to guide you to your best life.
Open your heart to love. Receive it. Feel it. You are a beloved of the Universe.
There is nothing you can ever do to lose the love of the Divine. You are enough. You are worthy. You are whole, perfect and complete.
All of the lessons and experiences we walk through are part of the path to our soul’s expansion. That is why we are here.
Your Source of Creation loves you very much. Your guardian angels and your guides are with you. Ask them for help.
I am love!
I am loved.
I am open to receive love now!
I give and receive love.
And so it is.