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The Key to Manifesting Is Letting Go

Article 8__Lantern_Letting GoThis week I am tackling another big topic, Manifesting, Manifesting our desires and dreams. Most of us have bought books, taken courses, seminars, and workshops on how to manifest our biggest dreams and desires. A lot of times we have been successful, and a lot of times we have not quite received what we were looking for. Why is that?

Is it because that course or book you purchased didn’t know what they were talking about? No, that wasn’t it! Is it because you didn’t do the work required and asked of you to manifest that desire or intention? No, that wasn’t it either! So, what’s the answer? I have discovered the key to that answer. The key to manifesting is simply LETTING GO, DETACHING completely from that dream or desire!

Now, I have read many books, and taken courses and workshops on manifesting and creating the life of my dreams; but they didn’t work exactly as I expected them to. I didn’t get my dream house or win that lottery ticket, but that wasn’t at the fault of the courses, books, workshops, or coaches teaching the courses and workshops. I missed the key point in all of these teachings, and that was the Letting Go part!

One of the courses that I have recently taken is called, “The Science of Getting Rich,” taught by my dear friends Tasha Chen and Diane Bettencourt. This course definitely hit me over the head and helped sink in what I wasn’t getting. This course instills in you the power of your thoughts and how your thoughts create everything! What I love about it most is that it reminds you of GOD’s desires for us, our innate abundance and riches belong to each and every one of us! I could go on and on discussing how fabulous this course is! The point I want to make is that Tasha Chen reminded me last summer (2016,) the importance of detachment and letting go. Once you set your intentions, dreams, or desires by writing it out on paper in your gratitude journal, for example, you then let it go, and detach completely.

Letting go was difficult for me always has been in all aspects of my life. Even in the aspect of clutter, I would declutter and soon after I would have a pile of stuff accumulated. It has been a constant battle for me! Especially with emotions and holding onto the past. I have had quite the ride these last few years, letting go of all my baggage from my past! It has all been worth it! That is why I resonated with Tasha Chen last year because I realized how right she was. Letting go is the key to manifesting your desires.

Article 8___Kid Letting Go of BalloonAs I have been going through this transformation and spiritual awakening, I have had to dig in deep within me, as I discussed many times in my previous articles. I had to look really deep within through all my darkness, and analyze my past behaviors and purge it all out. I have purged and let go of so much that it has literally come out of my skin, through rashes; and I have gotten sick over the last year and a half with unexplainable emotional belching that sounded like I had a keg of beer, fraternity type belching!!! LOL

So, this is what I found, the more I purged and let go, more and more abundance kept revealing itself to me. The best example I can give you is my beautiful, loving, and out of this world relationship I have with my fiancé, Jacob! Back in 2013, I wrote on a large index card all the characteristics and attributes I wanted to find in the man of my dreams. I used to sleep with it under my pillow every night. Until one day for no apparent reason that I can recall, I removed it from under my pillow and put it away inside a book, out of sight.

Well, lo and behold, Jacob and I met the summer of 2013. We didn’t start going out until February of 2014. It took us awhile because we became friends before we began dating. This man is a dream, and yes I can say that even 3 years later!!! If you speak to anyone that knows me or Jacob, they will tell you that they never met anyone like him, and they probably won’t either!

I am making a big deal about this because with all I have been through in my life: the sexual abuse, the excessive drugs, alcohol, sex, and the past indiscretions, who would have thought I would be blessed with such an amazing man! My dream man! Many years ago, I used to believe that GOD would punish me because of the life I lived! LOL, how silly, right? But what helped me to manifest such a caring and loving man was forgiveness for myself and letting go of my past! Even through these last 3 years with Jacob, I had to forgive myself and let go of so much. I am still releasing and letting go of something every day!

Article 8__Release of Balloons

So, that is how I made this discovery, the key to manifesting is LETTING GO and DETACHING! I have another story to share with you in the near future, it is the biggest dream I have wished for, and it has come true! All because I detached and let go of the dream! I never stopped acting on it, but I was okay with myself whether it happened or not! A huge feat for me!

Lastly, I want to share with you a project that will span a timeframe of 90 days. I am creating a blog and doing an experiment on Letting Go. I will be Letting Go of either a material possession or aspect of myself that no longer serves me. I promise to Let Go of something every day. The experiment is that as I Let Go, the Universe in return will reward me with a gift, proving that as we let go we create more space within us, and are more open to receiving. The gift or reward will be tangible, such as financial or something intangible like an aspect of my true self, coming to life!

I am so excited for this project to take life, and for all that God/Source/the Universe has to give and reveal to me! I hope you all can follow me on my journey, so it can possibly inspire you to Let Go and live the life of your dreams! Details and link to the Blog will be forthcoming! Remember, we are all here to be our best selves and live our best life, a life filled with Love, Peace, Joy, and Abundance!!!


Love, Light, and Blessing to ALL!!!


