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Key Steps to a Strategy Plan for Success

Whenever you are making major life changes, it can feel overwhelming at times and that is because you are living between two worlds. As you are still living in the world you wish to change (while creating the future world you wish to build) you can become tired which can possibly lead to you giving up before you can see the desired results.

This is why it is so important to use your valuable time more wisely from the “get-go” when beginning this important life-changing journey.

When Prioritizing your Goals for this Strategy Plan, list the goals in terms of days, months and years. This will help you to organize them in terms of how and when you will be able to complete them, allowing you to identify the most important goals and give those goals more of your energy, time and attention. Once this is done, you will then be able to accomplish your goals more quickly allowing you to enjoy your success that much sooner.

Working your Goals Backwards is Important to your Success because you have a beginning and an end. Once you know what your end result will be, that will be the driving motivation to get you to take the necessary steps to achieve your goal. By planning things backwards, you are able to plan the important details ahead of time allowing you to “course-correct” should something unexpected happen, which will keep you from falling behind on your intended schedule.

When Starting Your Action Steps, make sure you begin this process by breaking them down into manageable steps, because doing so makes it that much easier to work them into your schedule. There will be times when you are able to tackle some of the bigger steps because you have the free time and then other days where “life happens” meaning you will only have time to accomplish a small task towards your goals.

For instance, if time is short and you are needing info on how to self-publish a book, google the information and save the articles for future reference.  The key here is to commit to working on your Strategy Plan every day even if you only have time to do that one small thing. This will keep you motivated because you will be seeing progress both small and large no matter what!

Get Yourself a Planner, one that has a Daily/Weekly/Monthly outlook for the year. I personally suggest buying a Panda Planner because it is a best seller and is more than a Daily Planner. It is designed to give you the tools to empower you to take back control of your life and flourish in every way.  At this time over 250,000 people are currently using the Panda Planner to unleash their true potential.

On a Regular Basis, you Must Stop and Take a Look at Your Strategy Plan. It is important to review what is working and what is not working according to the plan that you mapped out. Once you are able to see what is not working, it is time to assess what needs to be adjusted in order to “course-correct” your plan. Don’t panic if this happens to be the case, sometimes we think we want to take things in a certain direction only to find out there is a better way to go about getting the results that we desired. Remember, it is the end result that you are shooting for and it doesn’t matter how you get there as long as you get there!  “Course correcting” can be fun because you get to use your problem-solving skills and creative abilities.

Implement Your Support Systems where they will be most useful. Having a support system is important in many ways, the biggest one being Moral Support. It is in those moments when we feel our weakest and most vulnerable that our mind will create ways to sabotage our dreams and goals and keep us stuck in our current story. This is where you will want someone on your side for Moral Support to bring you back into focus.

Learning new things and changing habits can feel foreign and again this is where a support system can help you overcome the challenging aspects of change during your journey. A support system mainly contains people who in a sense become team members (usually people we know), however, let’s not forget that a support system can also be an electronic/digital program such as weight watchers (online), personal banking (online), virtual assistants, etc…

Continue to add new resources to help you evolve during this time of growing and learning. As you are going through this process of creating your life vision, you may find that your creativity really starts to expand in many new directions. This is because once you start using this part of your brain, it is like flexing a muscle, the more you use it, the more it will grow. As you come up with more creative ideas to reach your goals and dreams, you will need the resources to bring your ideas into fruition.

Also, as you are doing your periodic reviews of this Strategy Plan, you may find that you let go of one concept completely and go in a different direction and in doing so you will find that you will need new resources in order to take it full circle. Sometimes a resource you are using may not be a good fit for you and it is perfectly fine to replace that resource in order to ensure that your specific needs are met.

The Key Steps listed above are proven methods one can use in order to help increase their chances of success. If you wish to find additional help, there are many other resources available to you. I hope that you have found this article helpful and wish you the best in your future success.

Kimberly Deziree

Transformation Coach

