As a business intuitive coach, my heart often breaks when working with soul-driven business owners. Why? Each and every day I talk with amazing people that have big dreams and passions. However, they feel defeated. They feel incompetent.
I can’t tell you how many times I hear, “I’ve done everything I’ve been taught and nothing is working. What is wrong with me?”
Why is it that when we don’t get the results we want, the first person we blame is ourselves? Why do we beat ourselves up so much?
Do we ever stop and think that the reason it didn’t work was because it was the wrong strategy, the wrong plan for us?
Of course we don’t. I mean the person that taught us is so successful, it can’t possibly be their strategy, right?
Actually, I call BS on this lie we tell ourselves.
I am a firm believer that not all strategies work for everyone. I believe that we need to find what works for us AND is also true to us.
What do I mean by that?
I recently had a session with someone that was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with building her one on one practice. She had clients, but the clients she had were not committed, were not paying and were causing her frustration.
She was feeling like she was doing something wrong. She felt that maybe she should switch direction and target a different group of clients.
However, when we dug a little deeper – she told me that she absolutely loves the audience that she built. She also said, “I know that if I created a product for them, that they would instantly buy.” She was so confident about this, it was ridiculous.
When I pointed this out to her she said, “Well a coach I use to work with told me I HAD to build my one on one practice first. That I wouldn’t be/couldn’t be successful the other way around.”
Say what?!
We talked about this a little more and she determined that with 3 small kids, she was actually feeling pretty worried about building a business solely with one on one clients. She couldn’t possibly be tied to the phone all day long, nor did she want to.
Was it possible that she was attracting uncommitted clients because she was uncommitted?
By the time we left the call, she was energized, motivated and ready to build a business model that excited her and that she felt extremely confident about.
So what am I saying?
I’m saying that there is so much information out there. We are on information overload – do things like this. Do things like that. This will absolutely work. This won’t work at all.
This information overload can feel completely overwhelming and have us create a business that we aren’t passionate about.
Here’s the thing – it is great to learn. However, once you are given the information on how things ‘should’ be done – the most important step is to check in with YOU. Does this idea/strategy feel good to you? Is it aligned with your business goals?
And the beauty of all of this? You can let go of anything that feels misaligned or untrue to you.
So my question to you is, what can you let go of that doesn’t fit? Let me know below and start the process of taking back your power!!