As entrepreneurs, we sometimes get so focused on our business that we can often forget the necessity to have balance in our day to day life. To add onto the pressures of being a business owner, there is another layer of responsibility as a SPIRITUAL entrepreneur. Why? Because we are working with consciousness and intentionally creating with our gifts. We have an influence that comes from Source that has the potential to dramatically impact humanity and shift the perspective on the planet. In order to stay connected to our Higher Selves, it’s important that we are able to maintain our vibe regardless of what is occurring around us. In order to do so, there has to be a common focus that keeps you moving forward regardless of the potential chaos around you.
It may feel counterintuitive but one of the most powerful ways to increase your vibration as a business owner (or a human being on the planet in general) is to travel. When we are introducing new concepts to our minds, it makes it easier to remain flexible and in that carefree space. In terms of our programming, it is our brain’s job to facilitate energy and shut down circuits that are “taking up space”. If you can imagine that your mind is here to store information and be able to recall our reality to us, then it starts to make “sense” that by introducing new experiences and exploring the world around us will keep us in that impressionable state that allows us to create. Children are creative beings because they are in a new world to them, taking everything and processing what they come into contact with. As we move into adulthood, we unconsciously create repetition that stagnates our creativity. Especially as entrepreneurs, creativity is a necessity.
Not only does traveling expose us to new environments, it makes our brain “work” to take in and process in a different way. It opens up new neurological pathways and “problem-solving” begins to flow more effortlessly once again. Make sure that you are being mindful of WHERE you are taking these trips to. What kind of atmosphere will it have? How will it benefit your personal transformation? How can it improve your life experience by connecting with other cultures? If you schedule a trip somewhere in nature that allows you to feel at peace and connected, it gives you an opportunity to set your vibration to that of the experience. It gives your mind something to focus on and recall to bring you back into that place of serenity.
In addition to helping with expansion, planning a trip can become an anchor of focus that will assist in building momentum towards what you are attracting. It’s crucial to our perseverance to be able to fill our cups up in multiple ways. When we have a goal that our body responds positively to, it helps to raise our vibrations when we are doing the things that may feel uncomfortable on our way there. In turn, it creates a pattern for us to draw from in the future. We naturally respond to the positive reinforcement in our life and it assists us in further manifesting the next steps that we need to take in order to get there. Due to the impact that our emotions have on our life experience here on earth, we have to make every effort to set the patterns that we LOVE to have repeated in our reality. If we aren’t putting the effort into planning and setting those goals, there is no roadmap to drive down.
Lastly, traveling gives us an opportunity to spread our highest vibrations around the world while encountering others along our journey. We also assist Gaia in her evolution when we travel to locations that are in need of healing and energy work. Just by having our presence in that physical space can have a tremendous impact on the planet. In those moments we can hear with crystal clarity from the Creator. Being one with the earth and planting our bare feet on the ground not only infuses our soles with earthing, it also lifts up our souls in the light. Imagine if we were spreading that energy to as many locations as possible. Don’t wait. Set the intention and book the trip! It’s exactly what your Spirit needs.