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Incorporating Inspiration

Our entire BEing (the mind, body, and spirit) are meant to work together to achieve that whole so that we obtain balance and accomplish our purpose. However, we as humans tend to forget this and end up focusing on each area separately and this normally occurs only when it is at the breaking point.

Normally, we first work on the body (when sick or injured), then the mind (mental stress), then our soul (our spiritual needs). We seem to do the least amount of work in order to get us going again then we are back at it to continue the trajectory of our original pace. When balance isn’t achieved and we find that we are behind, we begin to wonder why.  

Obtaining balance requires each component to work together. Ensuring that care is given consistently instead of only as needed is how to be proactive rather than reactive. This is where we reap the benefits to the point of balance and serving our purpose.

When we feel better we will do better all around. This will not only benefit ourselves but everyone around us, from our immediate family to the collective consciousness of the planet. When we nurture our BEing, the Source will flow accordingly. Having that balance will open us up to finding inspiration in our daily lives. This component is key for the care of each part of our BEing.

We need to be open that no matter how terrible we perceive our day to be, we are always able to find inspiration.  Sitting at home and waiting for something to inspire us will not work.  It is our responsibility to take that initiative.  We should not turn to others to be the responsible party for our inspiration, nor should we blame others if we are not able to find inspiration.  It is up to you and only you to create the balance of your BEing and in this case, to stay on track of your purpose means that you are finding inspiration daily no matter where you are.

In my own experience, I have found that inspiration comes to me whether I am sitting at home, standing in line at a baseball game, or playing with my grandkids. If you are open to the possibility then you, too, will be able to find inspiration. This inspiration in our everyday lives is how we transform the energy of each component of our BEing (the mind, the body, and the spirit).

Keeping an “Inspirational Balancing” schedule in place consistently will help us stay on track for our purpose and for the higher energetic levels of our planet.

Here are some areas to consider when looking to find the balance of your mind, body, and spirit by incorporating daily inspiration.

  1. Commit to doing at least one thing weekly for your mind, your body, your spirit, and then as a whole that takes into consideration your daily inspiration.
  2. Immediately track what you have done, for which area, when you did it, the outcome, and whether it made you feel good.
  3. As things come up for you, keep a list of those inspiring items and people to apply towards your weekly care of each component.

Remember that being inspired can happen at a baseball game, the grocery store, or by going for a walk in your neighborhood.  You just need to be open to the possibility and be present, so you do not miss out.  

