We see them everywhere, everyday, labels, headings and titles, to show what is underneath the name.
If the label say Jam, we know that means a concentration of boiled fruit with a lot of sugar that you can spread on toast or scones. Jam may be used in a number of different way, but its still sweet and fruity. It could be smooth jam or having fruity chunks in it.
What about the labels that we give people?
Some labels we may give others are inappropriate and only come from our own perspective and shred the Divine essence of the person inside. Being called rude, selfish and inconsiderate are for the most part only the relative perspective of the one speaking the terms and not factual.
In society we may say that someone is a pensioner, or is a doctor, unemployed, a narcissist, or a teacher. Each description has an adequate list of criteria that has been appropriately determined to indicate to us what is beneath the label. We understand that a doctor has had to study for so many years, pass so many tests, and has had a certain amount of experience before being accepted onto the medical board and qualified to hold the title ‘doctor’. The same goes for a narcissist which has a professional medical board rate, grade and determine the typical and likely character traits to be expected from that disorder, so that when the label ‘narcissist’ is used, we all get a pretty good idea of what lies beneath the label. A teacher too, has a role to play and can only do so once a checklist of skills has been acquired.
And what about the Labels we give ourselves?
We can give ourselves degrading labels too, and this is just as unhealthy to our soul as the ones that others unjustifiably give us.
With the ‘light and love’ that we are intending to share with the world in our quest to spread the love, we may want to think more about the labels we give ourselves professionally.
Jam has a label so we know what is in the jar and what to expect when we open it up. Personally I prefer strawberry jam, so I will look for a smooth Strawberry Jam on the label. I especially like Jam on scones and pancakes with freshly whipped cream with a hint of vanilla and sugar. There is something much more appealing about serving jam with fresh home-baked scones and pancakes. Not only are they genuine, but they are also free of artificial production line additives used in commercial cooking, and as they are made straight from the heart we know they are made with love.
What do we call ourselves and how will others recognize our gifts?
Do we shy away beneath lots of words as we describe our services to the reader?
How would our potential customer actually identify the value that we have to offer them?
Do we speak their language, and would they recognize us by how we label ourselves?
In my professional field, I am promoting a loving, peaceful and safe environment that clients can feel protected and comfortable as they open and assess their inner most traumas and heartaches and look for resolutions, whether that is looking for spiritual, emotional or psychological healing, or a physical healing in line with this. I should let my potential clients know what Lotus-Energies.com is about and what they can expect when they decide to ‘open up the jar’ and taste the wares.
If we LABEL our spiritual gifts in just the right way then they will know what to expect when they taste of our skills and gifts. If we have a daily fresh approach to our servings of ‘light and love’’, we will entice our customers to enjoy the experience and come back for more.
There is no point being vague about the menu, or misleading about the flavor.
Tell them straight. Be honest and confident. Jam served with freshly cooked pancakes, topped with cream makes the whole experience more deserving of another taste.
Show them what they can savour and the goodness of our goods !!
Be fresh in your daily approach, be home-made and most of all serve with LOVE.
Be Open To Universal Possibilities!