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Humans Have No Idea What Is Possible

The world is filled with beings, but not all are human many are inorganic synthetic robotoid who are fully aware of their programming; they know that they are not human, not the players in the game called life. Their purpose is to challenge the player, and they know who the players are in this game.

We all have come across people in our lives who we suspected were “off” in some way, past the thinking that they are just sheeple and brainwashed. But full-on saboteurs, for some reason, anything you do, they will jump on you, harass, chuck insults, even threaten. These beings’ purpose is to try and trigger you, attempt to keep you in low vibrations by getting you to believe in your Ego, the illusory self that is not one with your creator.

Our life is a game the things we do affect the overall experience for each player involved; every choice we make will bring the collective of Humanity closer or further away from our Ascension.

What is Ascension? It is the moment where Humanity on Earth raises its consciousness to the level of Higher beings of Light; benevolent ET’S who are waiting for us.

Heaven is here right now; our star family is on this planet vibrating just outside of our frequency range. All we have to do is remain in high vibrations. We give compassion for every person we see, using our empathy to understand where they are coming from in their thinking.

We must spend ample time outside in the sunlight with Mother Sophia Gaia, in nature.

We must dance with no care for how we look to others.

We must sing and express our soul’s song for music.

We must eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and seeds.

We must cut out sugar.

We must purify our water and eliminate fluoride.

We must connect to the energetics of the ethereal realm, so we can use its healing energies to aid anything we come in contact with or think.

We must believe in our divine power as Creator Gods.

What we have been told is possible does not come close to the truth. Our movies and storybooks do not hold a candle to the true reality we are surrounded by.

Dig deep within yourself and discover all that is. Remember that all things are possible.

