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How to Follow a Spiritual Path and still Live in the Real World

Being ultra spiritual is no easy task as I’ve found out after years of trying to integrate a spiritual practice in our modern hectic world of mobile phones, deadlines, housework, cleaning, and children. But in this blog, I am going to help those who have felt the frustration I’ve felt in the past and ask that you try and stick with it to see what works for you. 

When I first started working with angels I used to believe that you had to meditate at least an hour a day plus always make sure you are only thinking happy loving thoughts as this means you will be vibrating at the highest frequency and thus, of course, will be super spiritual and happy and then nothing bad or dark can hurt you or get past that huge ball of light you have surrounded yourself with. Um…harsh lesson…this does not work…in the slightest. I have fallen down and wanted to give up on this spiritual thing so many times I have lost count. 


But I’ve realized now it’s because I was trying too hard. I thought being spiritual meant I had to attain something or reach a destination and the more I meditated the faster it would be for me to get there and then I could actually help people. But unfortunately there is no faster way to a spiritual path but there is the real honest and simpler way, which is to accept those bad days and stop trying to control everything including yourself. Accepting your humanity is the biggest step to bringing forward a more practical solution to your spiritual needs. There are days when I wake up with the highest intention that today I will jump out of bed like a spring chicken, leap onto the yoga mat, do some deep breathing and stretching, feel mightily in tune with my body and soul, have a healthy green smoothie and get on with the day. 


But life has a funny way of laughing at you and saying ‘yeah right, get real will you.’ Most days I wake up later than I would like and before I know it I’m scrambling out of bed bleary-eyed and exhausted reaching for that cup of coffee and trying to get my hyper child to maybe sit down and eat his breakfast and then by that point I’m trying to get myself ready plus him. 

This probably resonates with many mums who find their days are built around family life plus doing everything else on top so how do we integrate some sort of spiritual practice within this crazy day? Well right now I am writing this very blog in the hour or so I have free whilst my son is having his afternoon nap. In the mornings if I do get up before my son wakes (which is usually half 6 by the way so not very often doable) I will try and do some yoga. Most days, however, this is not possible so when I have a few minutes to myself. Whether that’s on the toilet, in the shower or whilst my son is having his breakfast I take a few minutes to concentrate on my breath.

That’s all you need to do. Just notice your breathing and try and deepen it or count backward from 10 and as you do breathe deeply in each time so that you feel a sense of calm. Eventually, time or the lack of it does not feel as important as before. After that my day is pretty much geared around family and home or work so the next time I try and get some practicing in is in the evening when I will try and fit a 30 minute yoga practice in, using my mobile phone might I add as I don’t have yoga DVDs so I try and copy a class online. Not easy trying to do downward dog whilst looking at a little screen upside down but I get there!

I might even try and practice yoga with my wee one but I usually last 5 minutes before I need to give up as he jumps on my head most of the time or tries to prise my eyes open or stick his finger up my nose (the joys of toddlers!). Before bed, I might also try and fit in reading an inspirational book or watching one of my favourite spiritual teachers online like Gabrielle Bernstein to get me motivated. So my day is pretty much similar to many others and the reason for this blog is just to let you know like everyone else I do struggle. I may count myself as a spiritual teacher but at the end of the day I am still learning and as I do I’m being encouraged by my guides to pass on what I’m learning to you guys so even if this blog just helps one person then I’m doing my job.


