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How to Connect to Your Guardian Angel

How To Connect To Your Guardian AngelThere are many different viewpoints and beliefs about angels. As an Angel Teacher, I’ve always been a firm believer in tuning into and trusting your own intuition. Through the clients I have seen and taught I have found that Angels come through exactly how that person needs to see or feel them in order to build that connection. Through my years of study and my own inner journey with the Angelic Realm, I have found angels to be divine beings of light that connect through our hearts. This is because their frequency is in alignment with that of love, one of the most powerful frequencies we can attune to. Love holds the power to transform our own hearts, awakening us to our own inner angelic presence so that we may tune into these powerful beings.

One way to start building a connection with the Angelic Realms is by connecting to your Guardian Angel. Before you were born you were assigned an Angel that oversees your life here on Earth. People often see their Guardian Angel as their own divine self i.e. their higher self or others see their Guardian Angel as another being that is very much connected to them. This is where you need to forge your own journey with the Angels.

Below are some steps on how to deepen your connection with your Guardian Angel so that you may be attuned to these higher beings of light for healing, guidance, and support. 

1. Call in Your Guardian Angel

The simple act of intention is probably one of the most important steps in starting your journey with the angels. Due to the fact humans are gifted with the power of free will an Angel cannot come into our lives and assist us unless invited in.

Through prayer or a simple affirmation, you are able to voice your intention out to the Universe. This prayer or affirmation needs to come from the heart. It needs to come from a place free from fear as Angels connect to us through our hearts. You can do this by expressing your gratitude, setting an intention of what you need guidance or assistance on, or simply saying “I am open to receiving divine guidance.”

Once you state your intention or prayer the next step is letting go of control with regards to how your Angel may come through and connect with you. Trust and be open to the signs and guidance you receive.

2. Awakening Your Intuition

Our intuition ie our ability to see beyond our physical senses is a powerful tool in connecting with your Guardian Angel. You can tune into and awaken your intuition through daily meditation practices as well as learning to tune into your body’s intuitive messages. Learn to slow down your thinking mind and allow space for your body to give you gentle cues such as butterflies in your stomach when you are thinking of something that excites you, and expansion in your heart when you are feeling a sense of love and compassion. Our bodies are powerful and learning to truly love and trust your body and the daily messages and cues it sends you will help you deepen your connection to your intuition.

3. Allow Space for Calm

Our daily lives can feel so hectic and chaotic that it might be difficult to at first find the space for more calm and peace in our lives. By allowing ourselves the opportunity to slow down and reconnect to our inner being and soul, we allow more space for our Guardian Angel to connect to us. When I sit in meditation I often call in my Guardian Angel to grace me with their presence for guidance. In those moments of peace and awareness, I may sense an energetic shift in the room, an expansion within my heart, or images through my mind’s eye. These are all subtle cues that my Guardian Angel has come forward. When you learn to truly just sit within your own energy and allow space for those thoughts and guidance to come through you are providing yourself with the greatest gift of all – the gift of presence.

4. Notice Any Signs and Synchronicities

Our Guardian Angel may often communicate to us through the power of symbolism. For example, anytime I’m feeling stuck, alone, or down a Bob Marley song comes on out of the blue. This sign gives me comfort my Angels are near and I trust I am on the right path. Other signs may include feathers in unexpected places, butterflies, repetitive numbers such as 111, encounters with certain animals, etc. Also, be open to any synchronicities such as people giving you the same message over and over again and opportunities suddenly opening up. Learn to be open and trust your own intuition when it comes to connecting to the signs of your Angel.

5. Create a Dedicated Sacred Space

Create a sacred space in your home that is primarily for your spiritual and meditation practice. This serves as an anchor for your connection to the angels. Within your space, you can have a small table filled with crystals, angel cards, and aromatherapy sprays. Whatever makes you feel calm and more connected put on your alter. Use this space to focus your energy and intention when meditating and sometimes even just the simple act of lighting a candle creates sacred space. Often before meditation, I call on my Angels to help clear, cleanse, and uplift my space so I may be able to more easily attune to higher realms. Find what truly works for you.


Know that connecting to your Guardian Angel is both a personal and sacred journey. There is no right or wrong way to do it. By learning to be open, trusting, and creating a sense of fun and love you can establish a deeper connection to the Angels. Try not to question or force anything to happen. Often our Guardian Angels do not come into our lives in a grand way but more in a subtle, loving way. By learning to develop and deepen your spiritual path and awaken your intuition you will start to become more attuned to the angelic realms. You will start to notice their signs, their loving energy, and their support. Embrace this connection as if you would embrace a long-lost friend or a loved one. Even as you’re reading this send that love out from your heart to the Universe and feel that love come back to you tenfold. That is what it means to connect to the Angels. Their love for you is infinite and expanding. Know that you are never alone and your Guardian Angel is only a thought away.

