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How Spirit Speaks to You

For those of us on the spiritual path, receiving and understanding Spirit’s messages is deeply valuable. Yet, at times there is wonderment around whether or not we are capable of hearing and comprehending Spirit’s loving guidance. Being unsure whether Spirit is giving us a message, or not, can lead to much frustration and also an unhealthy reliance on those with psychic abilities.

It’s vitally important for us to know that it is natural for Spirit to speak to us and for us to hear Spirit. This is true purely because we are a fundamental part of Spirit. Beyond the conflict of the ego-mind and the physical façade of the body, we are formless and loving Spirit. Therefore, to hear Spirit is to hear the voice of our own higher selves.

If Spirit is natural to us, then why do we struggle with hearing Spirit’s messages?

This powerful question is answered in the modern spiritual text called A Course in Miracles which states that the only reason we do not hear Spirit is because we are too preoccupied with listening to our own, ego voice. We are further taught that the ego always speaks first and speaks the loudest and when we decide to pay attention to ego thoughts we are deafening ourselves to the calm and loving voice of Spirit which is behind the ego’s screeches.

To hear Spirit successfully, it’s very helpful and necessary to quiet your mind often. Whether through meditation or focused deep breathing sessions, you can begin to open up to receiving Spirit’s loving guidance through the practice of relinquishing your attention on inner ego chatter.

So, how does Spirit speak to us?

Spirit’s messages typically show up in two ways:

~ Through our intuition

~ Through ideas or inspired thoughts

You can recall a time you had an ‘a-ha!’ moment or strong pull to go do something – that was Spirit nudging you in the right direction.

Another way you can tell Spirit is sending you a message is by noticing when something deeply resonates with you. Sometimes Spirit speaks through other people or uses physical signs to catch our attention. You will know when a message is for you because you will hear it on a deeper, soul level. I also notice that I get really excited like there is nothing else I would rather do than what I’ve been guided to do!

Other ways Spirit speaks to us is through repetitive number sequences which are commonly called ‘Angel Numbers’ and also through our dreams.

In A Course in Miracles we are taught that every call to Spirit is heard and answered. The guidance we are looking for may come in unexpected ways so I encourage you to be open and let yourself be surprised! Again, Spirit speaking to you is natural so it is up to you to become a receiver for Spirit’s loving guidance.

Here are some tips to help you receive Spirit’s messages…

~ Quiet your mind often which is a practice but it can be done

~ Pay attention to your dreams if you remember them and see if any messages stand out

~ Remind yourself that hearing Spirit is natural and try not to block your spiritual awareness by saying you are incapable of receiving Its messages

~ Ask Spirit for help as Spirit can’t support us without our initial invitation

~ Try not to dictate what Spirit’s guidance should be or when it should show up; simply keep your mind open and let yourself be surprised

~ Trust your intuition and begin to act upon it

~ Notice when messages strike a chord with you and write them down

Spirit wants to help us. The moment we are ready to relinquish our ego agenda and ask for support, that’s when we’ll begin to pick up on Spirit’s messages. When you feel alone or defeated, know that Spirit is with you. The moment you are ready to see things through Spirit’s eyes, you will see that this is indeed true.

