Color is absorbed at the cellular level as a vibration and enters the Master Gland, the Pituitary. It is absorbed through the skin, affecting every cell in our bodies.
Cells are light sensitive, and so colored light affects their growth and behavior, causing subtle and gentle biochemical changes to take place.
Every color that we can see, in the seven spectrum, has a special power, quality and essence all its own, and when used in healing can balance and amplify the energetic body, comprised of the chakras and the subtle body or aura.
Color vibrations not only nourish our cells and organs, both in the food we eat, and the colors we wear but also have a powerful influence on our emotional state and our spiritual well- being. We can choose colors that uplift us, give us a sense of community, promote conversation or nurture our alone time, and all of these are healthy choices.
Color does affect our moods and those around us. We use terms like, seeing red, green with envy and feeling blue, but how is this possible? Our feelings and emotions are affected by the balance of hormones in our body.
Do a quick assessment of your home, clothes, and jewelry. Is there a Color theme? Do you gravitate to the same colors or is there a good variety? Do you mix colors with flair and drama, or try to match floors, curtains, and furniture, or clothing items with jewelry?
Do you choose your clothing based on style, line, and weather, or on the effect you want to manifest for the day? What is your favorite color? What does this say about you?
Try mixing colors in your home, office, garden or wardrobe, for new results. Want to change your life? Change your colors!
Manifestation Tip to Radiate Confidence
If you want to look thinner wear orange, it’s amazing, it works, and you feel so empowered! It draws in creative energy and attracts the type of people who will respond to your unique gifts.
Colors, by Chakra and the Properties of each to dress and accessorize with Intention
- Base, Red-Confident, Lively, Energetic and Ambitious
- Sacral, Orange-Creative, Happy, Comfortable in my Body
- Solar Plexus, Yellow-Curious, Fun, Loves Conversation
- Heart, Green-I am in Harmony and Attract Abundance
- High Heart, Turquoise-Cool, Calm, Innovator, New Ideas
- Throat, Blue-Peaceful, Loyal and Trustworthy, and Intuitive
- Third Eye, Indigo-Seeking Truth, Reform, Transformation
- Violet- Sensitive, Creative and Idealistic and Spiritual
Manifestation Tip to Energize your Chakras
Choose stones by color, and place on the corresponding chakra you want to energize or heal. Or, do a complete layout, with one stone for each chakra, for an overall chakra balance wellness treatment.