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How Chakra Energy Gets Unbalanced

crystal healing with teresa maron

How Chakra Energy gets unbalanced is pretty simple. When you have gone to the well one too many times to pull off the “I have to make this work” syndrome, and you feel like you are running on fumes, without proper rest, exercise and food, and are unable to balance your life in the form of time, or commitments, and you are not putting yourself on the to do list, you are overly stressed. 

And when you are stressed, other people’s stress affects you more. It’s a slippery slope. You need balance to succeed!

The cause of all disease is stress.

When you become aware of the damage that stress causes, and take steps to reverse that damage sooner, you stay in preventative care, instead of allowing stress to get you into crisis management care.

This is very self-empowering, healing symptoms of stress before they enter your physical body. Quick, easy, gentle, effective and non-interventive!

You might be a crystal healer

What you are thinking, feeling and saying is affecting you, and everyone around you.

Our bodies regenerate new cells about every 21 days. As we become more positive, remove more stress from our lives and feel more Joy, we create better cells. We can reverse the signs of aging and heal disease by creating better cells faster than we create sub-standard ones. Being aware of our chakra system, and what part of the body each represents, keeps you conscious of the process of creating healthier cells.

What you think is what you create, and how you feel is the barometer of how well you are doing it!

The way you feel when everything clicks, and when your life is being created in the moment, with conscious intent and purposeful living, is the feeling of being energetically balanced. 

Teresa and Patty Gemstone full sizeBalance is experienced as a constantly shifting and very alive dynamic, like a beautiful dance. The chakra activity is both adding and removing energy from your centers based on need, expressed by your thoughts, words, and emotions. We have all felt balanced at one time or another, but stress is the enemy. When we are balanced, problem-solving, gut instincts and feeling good is easy. When balanced we remain healthy on all levels, creating beautiful cells.

This Basic Chart shows the Spiritual Purpose of each chakra, corresponding colors, organs, and endocrines. Negative emotions are stored in the endocrines and organs and must be cleared of subconscious stress intentionally. Are you experiencing any confusion, low energy, chaos, frustration or symptoms in these areas?

  • Base Chakra-Red, Gender ID, Bladder, Creates Strength and Vitality, Life force, and Finding Your Life’s Purpose
  • Sacral Chakra-Orange, Pancreas, Kidneys, Healthy Boundaries, Experiencing Joy and Feeling Safe
  • Solar Plexus Chakra-Yellow, Adrenals, Liver, Colon, Digestion, Gall Bladder, Responding, Not Reacting
  • Heart Chakra-Green, Thymus, Heart, Lungs, Blood, Compassion, Empathy and Unconditional Love
  • Throat Chakra-Blue, Thyroid, Metabolism, Communication Sensitivity, Personal Truth, Feeling Appreciated
  • Third Eye Chakra-Indigo, Eyes, Nose, Ears, Pituitary

Trust Others, Intuition, Know Yourself, Discernment

  • Crown Chakra-Violet, Brain, Nervous System, Pineal

Feeling connected, and harmonious Desire to Serve

Gem Prescription for Stress

Gem prescriptions are for healing when there is more going on than you can handle for the moment. If you are tired, depressed, overwhelmed, or angry, then a time out with a gem combination is a good choice. Teaching If the feeling persists, then you will need to seek a professional health care worker, but this is a good first response.




Place this combination on your bedside table and lay down for 15 minutes. Get your breath cycle under control. Then hold each stone for a few minutes, asking for a most beneficial outcome, for peace, for tranquility and healing. If there is a feeling of anxiety in your body, your head, stomach, throat, place the stones there, one at a time, with a clockwise soothing motion.

I ask for beneficial peace, tranquility, and a healing outcome for myself and everyone concerned in this matter.

You know, ignoring the symptoms that are screaming that we need to self-care is the reason why stress is the cause of all disease. Get a real plan in place for stress management and stick to it.


