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Healing the Inner Child Retreat Experience


“Spring is a time for fresh starts, new opportunities, change, and growth.”

“Every next level of your life will demand and require a new you… are you ready?”  You will be presented with experiences to grow!  Will you heed the call?  I did!

The morning of my birthday, Thursday, April 20th, 2017, I was presented with a very unique opportunity to have a new experience.  Of course, I said yes!  I was invited to attend my Reiki Master Karen Neul’s retreat in Lake Louise.  I had wanted to go but didn’t think I was able to attend.  But the Universe had other plans for me and made sure I was there.

I was overjoyed to be able to go.  Anyone who attends healing retreats knows the resistance and obstacles that are put in the way when you want to fill up with more light.  The morning I was set to depart from Calgary, I got extremely nauseous and dizzy.  I missed my ride and had to ask my husband to take me later in the day after my symptoms subsided.  We left late but managed to get on the road before one pm.

The closer we got, the more I could feel the excitement within me.  I knew there would be big shifts occurring.  I am ready for them, and I am committed to my healing.  My Divine team knows that and are constantly guiding me and nudging me in the right direction.  I was grateful to have had time to spend with my husband on the way there.  It also showed me his support even though he doesn’t necessarily understand all that I am doing to heal my mind, body, and spirit.  We shared some beautiful moments together.  I am so grateful to this husband for his love and care.


The magic of Lake Louise Alberta is apparent as soon as you start climbing the mountain to get to it.  The air is crisp and the mountains are majestic.  The energy is exhilarating.   I met a friend there and knew I would be meeting Karen and three other ladies on Saturday.  Being clairsentient, I could FEEL just how moving this experience was going to be.  Once safely there, I met with my friend Lore, who shared her room with me, and we went to meet the lake, hug some trees, breathe the fresh air and connect with God.

I recently learned that Archangel Michael has an etheric temple that sits over the area of Banff, Lake Louise.  I could feel Him and the band of mercy angels.  I could also feel Archangel Faith who is the twin flame of Archangel Michael.  It was all so deep and moving for me.  Mountains have always felt like home for me.  Being raised in Fernie BC, in the heart of the Rockies, you understand why.  Even Jesus says to go the mountains and He will give you rest. Indeed my soul received the rest and healing it required to continue to heal.

We each have an inner child within us.  Within each of us, there is a young, suffering child. We each have had times of difficulty when we were children and many of us have experienced trauma or abuses. To protect and defend ourselves against future suffering, we often try to forget those painful times. Every time we’re in touch with the experience of suffering, we believe we can’t bear it, and we stuff our feelings and memories deep down in our unconscious mind and into every cell in our body! It may be that we haven’t dared to face this child for many decades, if at all.

But just because we have ignored our inner child, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.  They are within us, begging for attention.  We may not realize it, but when we examine it, bring it up and give it our love and care, our compassion, we can heal it within yourself and within our relationships with others. This weekend was all about bringing her out, healing another part of her, and then playing with her!!  And telling her how loved she is!!

Saturday morning started with my going off alone to the deli to eat and pull some cards.  I love starting my day with cards.  I had brought Kyle Gray deck “Keepers of the Light”.   I ate my breakfast mindfully and with gratitude.  I thanked God for allowing me the experience I was about to have and knew it was all Divinely guided.


When I got to the meeting room, Karen and the ladies were all there ready to go.  Karen always builds so much excitement within us that I was bursting to find out and see in the room!  She even had a doormat that said, “There is no place like home!” outside the door.  We listened to a song and then entered.  It was so beautiful.  The table was adorned with lilies and vases of candles and crystals and was very lovely.

She had created manuals for each of us.  She also gifted us with new journals and colored marker.

We started on a magical journey to find and heal our inner child!  Does your inner child want to come out and play?  Well, I know mine sure has times she does. My heart is open and full of love. My crown chakra is even more expanded and my third eye has been awakened!

We did beautiful powerful heart led meditations, both Saturday and Sunday, with Divine helpers such as Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and the black Madonna.  We went down the path of the yellow brick road.  We were Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.  We met our scarecrow in this level.   I even had a channeling experience, which was so powerful that I had tears streaming down my face.   At one point we had to visualize our inner little girl.  I had brought a photo of me and mom and dad with grandpa and grandma in it.  I just sat in the visualization of being held lovingly in my mother’s arms.  I felt nurtured and cared for.  In this moment I realized how very blessed I am with the mother I have.  She has grown with me.  Her mom died when I was 10.  My mom would have only been 28.  Everything she has learned, she has learned from her spirit.  I recognized her strength.  Her courage and her love for me on an even deeper level.

We shared our stories and were held safe in Karen’s love and care and experience and went on a very magical journey together.

“In a world where most wear a mask, it is a privilege to see a soul.”  I got to see these ladies souls.  I got to grow in the most beautiful garden this weekend.  We were safe under Archangel Michael’s temple and surrounded by the trees, mountains, and lake and in the blanket of snow.

Healing the inner child is deeply spiritual work.  Even though we may have had a wonderful childhood, being ridiculed by friends in school and by teachers and developing fears such as not being enough, not feeling worthy, wanting to be liked, feeling judged all the time and giving your power away, leaves deep wounds that left unhealed manifest as diabetes and cancer.  After my walk through cancer in 2011,  I knew I needed to heal my deep wounds.  I have allowed my spirit to guide me.  I know God is sending me these wonderfully talented and gifted teachers.  I never dreamed I would be having the life I have now.  I am healing.  I am growing.  I am expanding and I am learning.  Dig deep for the courage inside you to be who you are!!

No one is perfect and that is why understanding with compassion is so important.  18057855-10159056687760112-7228248187960493887-n_origThe title of her retreat is called “Becoming the Compassionate Hero- the keys to the Holy Grail”.

She taught on one of the five major lessons of life which is…

compassion!!  the others are:

In closing, I thank Karen, Lore, Irma, Tammy, and Terri with all my heart.

This weekend that we shared was sacred and was a gift from the Divine.  I am so very grateful for every moment!  This statement is what I want to leave each of you with:

You are on a journey of a lifetime that no one else will travel and that no one can judge.  Each experience will be an opportunity to learn and grow, heal and expand.

You may not know where the path leads, but if you follow your internal guidance, the desires of your heart, be integral in your choices, and with that deep wisdom within you, then each step on that yellow brick road will lead you to discover your ‘truest’ you, your authentic you… You will discover your soul.

It will all lead to the right steps in the journey of your life and it will be Divine Magic, Divinely guided and will be Heaven on Earth.


