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Happiness and Joy Are an Inside Job

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Most of us have been searching for Happiness and Joy in the wrong places. We think Happiness and Joy are found with someone else or something else such as your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse, your children, your friends, your house, your car, or any other material possessions. Well search no more, the only place you have to look is within! Yes, folks, Happiness and Joy are an inside job!

No one nor anything can give you Happiness or Joy. Actually, you don’t even have to send out a search party to find it! Happiness and Joy are inherent in all of us. It is one of the many treasures we hold in our “Treasure Box,” as I mentioned in my previous article “Unlock Your Creativity to Open Your Treasure Box”. In order to find our Happiness and Joy, we just need to release everything that blocks it.

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We need to stop looking externally for someone else or something else to give us what already resides inside of us. The problem is that most people don’t want to do the work. Most of us don’t want to face ourselves, let alone change what needs to be changed. Transformation and spiritual awakening are tough because the hardest thing you will ever do in your life is to face yourself, but there is such beauty in this. When we find our triggers, our pains, and our traumas, we get to see the true light that we are. We go through our darkness, through all the sludge, clean and clear it out, and we then begin to witness our true selves, our light! In our light resides our Joy, our Love, our Peace, and our Abundance…all of our Treasures! Yes, it is crucial to release all of those things that have bogged us down for so long, this is the only way to find your Happiness and Joy.

Now let’s remember that Happiness is an emotion, and emotions are fleeting. Happiness isn’t a 24-hours/7-days-a-week feeling, Happiness can be a smile from your child, a nod from a co-worker, a hello from a stranger, catching all green lights on your way to work, a feeling of satisfaction when you’ve cooked a meal for your family, etc…  A friend of mine made a perfect analogy one day, she said, “Happiness is like leaves on a tree, they come and go, but Joy is permanent. Joy is in the roots of the tree, Joy is embedded and rooted deep within you.” I loved that comparison, it made so much sense to me. Therefore, Joy is what you want to search for because Joy will always be with you, while Happiness is fleeting moments.

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Now to get to those moments of Happiness and permanent residence of Joy, you will trudge through moments of anger and sadness, as you are clearing out and making way for your Joy. Stay strong, don’t give up on yourself, it will be so worth it in the end! Your Light will shine as bright as the Star that you are! Finding your Joy will be the beginning of finding your Riches, Abundance, Prosperity, and “Treasure Box!” Just look within!


Love, Light, and Blessings to All!


