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Get Your Home Energy Moving Again

Last month I wrote an article about how to space clear your home to remove any negative energies that may have left an imprint on your walls.  These energies can be caused by upset, stress or anxiety which you may be feeling angry during these unprecedented times.  I hope you found the instructions easy to follow.

Today I am going to give you some follow on tips on how to get the stuck energy moving around your home again.  Many of us have been staying at home as much as possible with many countries being in lockdown to avoid catching the Corona virus.  Being at home for so long can cause us to get stuck in a rut and feel fed up.  The stuck energy will not help this situation.

Good Feng Shui at home starts with clearing your clutter; clutter is something that creeps up on us all.  Clutter is simply ‘stuck energy’ (chi) with mental, physical and emotional side-effects.

Some people have their clutter on show, while others have it hidden away in drawers and cupboards.  The favorite places to store clutter seem to be the attic, garage or basement; out of sight, out of mind, that is until you need to find something, then chaos happens.

Excess clutter can clutter your mind.  You can’t think straight and it takes twice as long to find something.  Sound familiar…?  Clutter affects us all and I bet you didn’t realize how much!  It can make you feel tired, miserable, confused and disorganized.  Clutter attracts clutter; if you have a messy unorganized room it becomes worse throughout the days and weeks.

The energy that enters your home should flow freely; this won’t happen if it runs into objects or heaps of clutter as clutter stops the natural flow causing blockages.  This sluggish energy creates a negative effect on us, making it difficult to focus on any single task.


  1. Declutter! I personally always work best from writing a list.  Write down each small task, e.g. sort out wardrobe, bedside drawer, cupboard, etc., you will get a lot of satisfaction from ticking off each task. Work on one room at a time, and don’t try to declutter everywhere all at once. If you overwhelm yourself you will throw in the towel before you have seen any progress.
  2. Spring clean everywhere; my personal favorite is to clap in the corners of your room to get the stuck energy moving again. Energy is like oxygen, we are surrounded by it; we know it’s there but we can’t see it.  Dust seems to congregate in the corners, so energy does exactly the same.  Clap to get that energy to move.
  3. Rearrange the furniture in your lounge; maybe swap your sofas around. Change around your bedroom layout if you can.
  4. Swap pictures around in your home, you should do this with your ornaments too.
  5. If you have more than one bathroom, swap around the bath towels.
  6. Move around your rugs if you have any.
  7. Rearrange your kitchen cupboards; e.g. maybe swap where you keep your dinnerware and glasses.

These are just some examples to get you going; and by making a start you will move the energy in your home and this will also move the energy in your life.  You too will also become unstuck!

