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How to Get Unstuck and Move Forward

How do we get unstuck and propel ourselves forward?

Most of us have this issue. You feel stuck and stagnant. Everything in our life seems lifeless, with no movement at all. We become filled with frustration and despair, asking ourselves “How and where do we make a change in our life, to help us move forward?”

It is a very familiar answer that we have heard many times over, “Let go of your past!” I have written many articles on the subject of letting go, such as “The Gift of Forgiveness”, “The Key to Manifesting is Letting Go”, and “Let’s Live Right NOW”. The truth is most of our problems stem from the emotional baggage we walk around with, THE PAST!

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Therefore, you will hear often the path of least resistance and peace and happiness will be a path of lightness, where your past is done with and never mentioned again. A path of true freedom and forward momentum, where you have forgiven yourself for everything you ever did. Where the past does not even become a thought, because you have dealt with all your emotions and have made a conscious effort to say “I am DONE, it is over, and never needs to be mentioned again!” On this path, the PAST has no power over you anymore, because you have truly taken your POWER BACK!

I write these articles truly to help everyone heal and grow spiritually, hoping that my experiences will resonate with you; and help you to continue your spiritual transformation and journey. Especially knowing that I understand how difficult spiritual transformation can be. Every article I write is from past and present experiences. So even though I have written articles on the subject of letting go, please understand I truly believed at that time that I did let go.

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As most of us know, we shed so many layers constantly on so many levels as we evolve and grow. I say this to you because at this moment as I am writing this article, I am peeling off another layer. The layer I am peeling off will finally propel me forward! I have been crying for days especially today because I am finally and truly letting go of my past! A few days ago, I woke up very upset, not understanding why, until I realized past emotions were rising to the surface. I said to my fiancé, “I am so done with all of it! I just want to be done, I am tired of the past coming up and haunting me!” I just cried and cried for several minutes until I could not cry anymore, and I moved on with my day.

Then the next day, on Sunday, I had an impromptu first coaching session with my Business Coach, Melissa Pellicci; and on our 30-minute session, she suggested that before I can move forward I needed to complete my past this week. She noticed that a lot of my stagnancy was because I kept on repeating and reliving my old story. My coach, Melissa, gave me a task this week. She told me to “write any area in my life where I feel incomplete with my past, and get complete with it, forgive myself, and restore it.” So, basically my coach wants me to get closure with my past, reciting the occurrence on paper and what has me so upset about it, then making a conscious choice to forgive myself, move on and never mention it again! Well seemingly, this simple act has had me crying incessantly for two straight days. I understand why. The mere conversation with Melissa and intention to complete my past has brought all of it up to the surface. These emotions have risen so I could easily release them.


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It has been painful to hear and feel all the not so nice feelings and memories that are coming up for me; but I know that I am being blessed with this gift of release, acceptance, and forgiveness which will open new, beautiful, and abundant doors for me to walk through my new path filled with confidence and strength. I am very, very grateful to GOD/Source/Universe for this experience that will bring me more Love, Peace, Joy, and Abundance, and so grateful for the Angels GOD/Source/Universe has placed in my path, such as Melissa Pellicci, amongst so many other Angels on Earth that have helped me walk this path. I am beyond humbled and filled with immense gratitude! Thank you Thank you Thank you!

I hope that those that are reading this article right now and feel it resonate with them, can get onto completing their past, forgiving themselves, and can finally get unstuck and move forward. Let us all get OUR POWER BACK, and create the life of our dreams!

Love, Light, and Blessings to All!



