When we are creating and trying to hear what steps to take next with our business, one question that comes up is: How do I know if I’m hearing Spirit or if this is my EGO? When we ask this question, first and foremost we MUST understand that EVERYTHING is from “Spirit” and there is no “right” or “wrong” way to turn. There is simply the decision of asking yourself “what kind of experience do I want to have here?”. Understand that it is all about intention that leads the vibrations of our reality. We can travel between one dimension or the other in our reality based on what our vibrational state is. Our emotions are what allow us to travel between dimensions. FEELING is what leads us closer to our destination.
So bringing the topic back to our business, what exactly is it that you are trying to accomplish in the creation of the business? If you can focus on what YOU want to achieve out of this creation, WHO are you serving and WHY, this is how you will be led closer towards the legacy that you will leave behind as your Spiritual imprint on this world unfolds. This is a CONSTANT expansion. There is never a point of completion that is reached. It is ever evolving and growing based on the energy you can channel.
So to start, discover how to ASK for what you want. This is the first step and most important. If you are unable to ask, then Source does NOT know how to give to you what you are seeking. We aren’t focusing on what we don’t want, we are focusing on what we DO want. Taking note of undesirable experiences is simple and can be done in an instant by acknowledging the emotions in that moment. Release it instantly and use it for future wisdom. This isn’t an opportunity to pull it apart in detail, begin asking questions of why, how, what did I do and where did it come from are not helpful in your evolution. Your purpose here is to continuously move closer to Source Energy during your life experience on the planet. Our only opportunities are the contrast of listening and resisting. If there is a feeling of resistance in your body, this is an indication of having stepped off the path that is drawing you closer to your heart’s desire. Spirit will provide endless chances, ideas, and circumstances that will bring you back onto the path that you originally started out to achieve.
No matter what “direction” you feel you are headed in, just know that Spirit is constantly working for you and is ALWAYS of the highest intentions to provide joy, abundance, prosperity, and peace in all of your reality. It’s always working in your favor. We are the ones who resist the shift in reality or the promptings we receive because of doubt, guilt, insecurity and fear. If those are the emotions coming up, we can make a choice to move into a less resistant state and this is where we will receive our guidance.
In the fight or flight state, there is going to be a block and the stream of consciousness will conclude in each moment that this isn’t worth it and it is not going to happen. What we have going for us is that our heart doesn’t lie. Our heart will never stop seeking the pleasure and desire of focusing towards our soul purpose. We can take a break and get into a space that allows us to focus on something that we are “in the flow” with and this is what opens us back up to receive the creativity and “aha” moments that Spirit provides us with.
So the moral of the story is that if you TRULY want to know which vibration you are serving from, ALWAYS choose courage when making your final decision. This is how you will be able to reflect back when there are future challenges to KNOW without a doubt that you were vibrating at a high frequency when you started down the path. A vibration of courage is the first step in following the promptings of your Spirit.