Are you suffering from Aches and Pains?
If you are suffering from unexplained aches and pains, firstly you should visit your doctor. Secondly, check out your feng shui energies as per last month’s article.
Once you have checked your Feng Shui, the next step is to check your environmental energies using Dowsing (which can be done remotely if needed). If you are not a dowser, you can either learn to dowse yourself or ask a professional dowser for help and advice. You do not need a special ability to be a dowser, anyone can learn how to do it.
There are negative and positive energies in most homes which cannot be seen with your eyes; but they can be found using dowsing rods. Thankfully, they can be remedied so your home is clear of any negative energy.
There are many things you can check for using dowsing, but the four most important energies to check are negative vortexes, geopathic stress, interference lines, and spirits/entities.
Here is a list of things that may be causing the problem and ways they can be rectified.
Negative Vortexes
These are spirals of negative energy which can affect your sleep in a negative way and drain your energy. When you sleep, your body heals and regenerates but when you sleep on a negative vortex, your body will focus all its energy protecting you from this negative energy and struggles to do anything else.
If you sleep on a negative vortex for many years, your immune system will be affected drastically. You will be prone to illnesses and diseases. Remedy: Move your bed to another position in the bedroom, this is not ideal, but it will help until you can have the vortex closed. The best thing to do would be to consult a dowser who can convert the negative vortex into a positive vortex for you.
When a negative vortex is closed, your body’s healing system will slowly return to normal and so will your sleep pattern.
Geopathic Stress
Underground water (which you cannot see) causes Geopathic stress lines. These can be remedied using dowsing. Sleeping with a geopathic stress line running across where you sleep, can cause aches and pains in the area where it hits you.
Interference Lines
Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) cause Interference Lines. These are electrical appliances, electric fuse boxes, wi-fi, telecommunications towers, smart meters, railway lines, and mobile phones. These too can be remedied and eradicated using dowsing.
Many people have spirits or ‘unwanted guests’ as I call them, in their houses. They can be unaware of these, and them being there makes no difference to you whatsoever. Some people can see them, sense their presence, and can feel very frightened. If you keep waking during the night, this can be due to spirits trying to communicate with you.
Remedy: You can seek the help of a professional dowser who can help you by removing the spirits/ghosts by helping them to cross over.
Whenever my daughter cannot sleep, she will call me to ask me to check the following three things.
- Are there any new spirits in her home?
This is the most frequent problem, for some reason, she unknowingly likes to bring spirits home with her. Someone once said that this happens because the spirits know that I can help them cross over to the other side. I believe this to be true. - Has the negative vortex reopened?
Her bed position is directly above a negative vortex, but unfortunately due to the bedroom layout, the bed position cannot be changed. This is not a problem because I have successfully closed the negative vortex and converted it to a positive vortex. Occasionally these do reopen, due to local building work or roadworks in the area. Sometimes an earthquake can be the cause too. This can happen on the other side of the world and still affect you. - Are there any new geopathic stress lines or interference lines in her home?
My daughter did have a geopathic stress line running across her bed, but I closed this. Occasionally this does reopen again. This opening can be due to the earth’s tectonic plates shifting during an earthquake. When this happens, it can cause the underground water to move direction slightly. So far, she has never had any new interference lines appear in her home.