When was the last time you felt elated, inspired, but not tired, irritated or apathetic?
This state is typical for the first days of falling in love until reality begins to trample on your dreams. The one who managed to keep the light of amorousness in everyday life is happy. It is only more bitter to compare their routine present life with the love that once happened for those who could not save it. Perhaps that was only once in a lifetime. Should you put up with it then? No!
The tradition of Siberian temple priestess keeps a secret way of living in a never-ending condition of love. In this article, Shakuntali, the successor of the Siberian temple priestess’ heritage, shares the wisdom that the source and object of the inspiration you have chosen are very important for an eternal condition of happiness.
The conversation about the possibility of a never-ending condition of love started when we were walking to the sea. Shakuntali and I were driving along the blooming embankment, and a couple was walking slowly in front of us. The man was holding the girl’s hand tightly and telling her something, drawing all her attention.
You could see without superpowers all the life energy of this girl flowing to her partner through her full attention to him. His aura was filling with light, but hers was fading. She was pleased but only because she was imagining a happy future with this man. And it seemed to her that all the people were staring at them and, of course, they were envious of her luck.
I asked Shakuntali, “How long will this girl’s happiness last? Will she be able to become this man’s life partner? Or will he drink her like a bottle of lemonade and throw it away empty, driven by his unquenchable thirst?”…
Shakuntali came into my life when the business that I had given the last three years of my 24 years failed. Due to the sudden change in the world situation, everything I did and knew was useless. However, it is not my principle to give up. Then I found an online training, that I read about in an article on an anti-crisis website. Shakuntali was a real mentor, and we met very soon after. It was then that she offered me not a theoretical training, but a practical one.
So I began to help in her endless feat of helping women in difficult situations. Using real-life situations, Shakuntali helped me learn the first of many cosmic laws that she used in her life: “Help another, and God will help you.”
Shakuntali opened my ability to look at people with inner vision that allows me to see not just the physical form, but also the amount of energy they have and where it is directed.
Having looked at that man with this vision, I saw his ambitions, his big business, and that he needed a very high level of energy for its creation and development. Holding the girl’s hand, looking into her eyes, saying nice words, he established a strong connection with her, connecting to her energy structure, as if connecting an additional battery to his gadget. Shakuntali warned me that I should not judge this man and men in general because the accumulation of energy and its transformation into actions is the direct cosmic task of the male half of humanity. This is the second of the cosmic laws that Shakuntali taught me.
A woman’s happiness is greater the longer a man is with her, the more aspects of life he is ready to share with her. Shakuntali discovered that a man would be with a woman as long as she had life energy, that is, as long as she supplied him with this energy. Then he will look for a new source without understanding why he had suddenly lost interest in this woman.
And all this happens because modern women do not know what life energy is, how to direct and supply it properly, irrespectively of age. When looking at blooming Shakuntali, it was obvious that she knows how to use this knowledge perfectly. She owns and shares it generously which I have already experienced.
The desire to help that stranger girl made my heart sink. I wanted to help her just as Shakuntali helps thousands of women around the world to become an inexhaustible source of energy, to be desired and inspiring for the most worthy men with the highest goals, as well as to realize their own talents and ideas.
At this point, we parked the car and sat down on the terrace of the beach café continuing to people-watch.
The man looked pleased. However, you could see he was stressed. It was as if he was walking along a road that had already led him the wrong way, but he did not realize when he had turned in the wrong direction.
Shakuntali saw with her inner vision his numerous attempts to create a long-term relationship that quickly ended as he believed through his fault. He was afraid that his interest in this girl, he wanted so much now, would quickly fade, no matter how much he tried to avoid it.
I asked Shakuntali what would happen if the man married the girl, even when she ran out of energy. Shakuntali replied that she had seen hundreds of thousands of such marriages. A man without getting energy will lose the ability to provide a decent lifestyle for his family and lose his status. He will be very unhappy and may seek consolation in another reality (computer games, drugs, alcohol), or seek energy in contact with other women.
The devastated girl will lose her attractiveness, forget about her hobbies, talents, become touchy, perhaps even get sick. Such couple has no future. If they have children, then the children will have only a negative experience in such family.
There were two people in front of us who wanted to be happy, but there was a serious obstacle in the form of energy illiteracy between them and possible happiness.
Shakuntali always says that no one is to blame, but it is possible and necessary to change the situation. In ancient times, energy literacy lessons were taught to girls in special schools, or this knowledge was passed on by wise mentors, less often by their mothers. This very ancient tradition is being restored now by the efforts of Shakuntali and her assistants.
Women need to be trained. But the truth is that a woman often understands that she needs to learn something after losing her attractiveness, interest in life, and when she needs to treat the organs destroyed by the loss of energy.
A wise man, of course, falls in love when he meets a woman who smells like a flower on the way of life. He is concerned with acquainting his woman with special knowledge about keeping her fragrance for many years to keep this love. The most successful men in the world now buy training courses for their women from Shakuntali, and they become happy mascots for their men.
You can undergo such training anywhere in the world by joining Shakuntali’s online school or getting her personal advice, or traveling with her to the Places of Power.
This direction can be suggested not only by an interested man but also by children, parents, employees, bosses, girlfriends, that is anyone who uses the energy of a woman in one way or another. Everyone in the environment of a Woman of Power becomes more successful, especially those who support her morally and financially.
If you haven’t met such people yet, and your environment is constantly just demanding something from you, then you need to raise your energy level as soon as possible! There are such people but on a different energy level. Shakuntali offers to become a high-speed lift for you.
Shakuntali says that only something that is infinite can be the infinite source. This is the original powerful energy perceived by people as the Maker, God, and the Creator. You can and should connect to this energy. A woman becomes a priceless treasure when she masters the art of prayer. However it is not enough to learn a prayer, words do not play a leading role. Shakuntali has a unique ability to create a field of prayer, in which you can get an unforgettable experience of communication with the Creator for the first time.
There also existing forces of a subtle plane that are infinitely more than human beings and can give you energy. These are the Spirits of Nature, the Spirits of Places of Power, the Spirits of the Elements, and other Spirits that are ready to become your faithful helpers. The experienced temple priestess Shakuntali knows what efforts a person needs to make to get help from the Spirits: how to appeal to them, what ritual to perform, what altarage to offer.
You can also get support and energy from the planets, each of which has its own task and is interested in interacting with humans. Shakuntali’s ability to connect women with their karmic planets is widely known. Fall in love with life together with Shakuntali and share this article with those you care about!