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Fairy Tale Meditation or What to Learn on Christmas from Shakuntali Siberia

Humans are very disbelieving about fairy tales. They think, that it is just magical short stories for children. But actually, fairy story meditation is a very successful way to draw prosperity, love, and well-being into your living. And this is not figment! It’s an actual valid technique. We were told about this by the Siberian shamanistic priestess Shakuntali Siberia.

Shakuntali  – an Enlightened woman, the reincarnation of the Ukok Princess, Siberian shamanistic priestess, possesses clairvoyance, the talent of the instant opening of predestination and healing abilities. Doctor of Psychology, founder of the International Academy of working with subconscious «Gyud».

Traveling around the world, studying the culture of the legends of different nations, Shakuntali Siberia is sure that fairy tales are not just children’s stories, but a source of wisdom!

For sample, a Christmas fairy tale. In various parts of the world, traces of the larger half ancient shamanistic customs, rites performed by ancestors to invoke the spirit of fortune, new possibilities, blessing, and abundance are still preserved.

If you want to follow the practice of ancestors and bring to your family prosperity and amour, Shakuntali Siberia is happy to share with you the knowledge that came to her through shamanic ability, obtained during the very long preparation with the Big White Shaman of Siberia. To this end, every new year Shakuntali Siberia meets with students at her seminars.

First tradition: spruce decoration.

Shamans do not just create a decoration for the house. For shamans, spruce is the symbol of the world tree, whose roots grow from the past, the trunk and branches represent the present, the top stretches to the future. Through such a simple ritual as decorating a Christmas tree, it is possible to pass on from generation to generation the great wisdom of life, to make a revision of the past year, to prepare the space for receiving new gifts from the future.

How to dress up a Christmas tree? 3 advices from Shakuntali Siberia:

1. On the lower branches, you should hang things that you no longer need, that you do not want to take into your future living, the new year. It can be a photo of the person you parted with or want to part with, a thing that is connected with destructive habits and failures (broken jewelry, torn socks). You can also write a note with a list of bad habits of negative qualities that you don’t wish to be with you in the forthcoming year.

2. On the middle branches, you should hang the symbols of what you already own and want to save. It may be favorite things of a sweet one or something that brings to mind of them. Symbols of your prosperity, luck, amour, well-being. It is great if you have amulets from places of the Power which you managed to visit. They increase your connection with welfare.

3. We adorn the upper branches with signs of trust in the Higher, thankfulness, notes with cherished desires, that represents the desired events. It is very good to put here magical objects charged by a shaman to reach the aim. To create such items, shamans add helper spirits to them. These are powerful white creatures of a subtle plan, which are able to defend your future and assist to reach any aim.

The second tradition: a fairy tale

Whatever how old you are, whether you have children, Shakuntali Siberia recommends spending Christmas night with the benefit of the spirit and call for a wonder into your life. At especial Christmas seminars, Shakuntali Siberia uses a very old practice of magic theater. This theater has no audience – only players. The magic is that when a human experiences a difficult situation in such an especial theatrical action, he can change his fate in reality, overcome the insuperable, return the lost, find the impossible. Universal plots of such theaters are encrypted in fairy stories. Fairy stories are not read to all children now. These are not exciting Harry Potter stories. Fairy stories are stories that have come from the depths of centuries, transmitted by word of mouth, time-tested. In every folk tradition, there are such stories. In each such story there are clues about how the world works, what is the purpose of living, what can help or prevent the main character to fulfill his mission.

Mystery of fairy tales

Shakuntali Siberia reveals some mysteries that will let you understand the deep meaning and learn by reading fairy stories. Many wise men advised thinking on fairy stories. In fact, fairy stories are kind of koans (riddles-exercises for the development of thinking). The main thing that a person should learn is to observe himself and reflect on how one or another of his reactions changes the world around him. Then he will be able to study the laws of the world around him, realize his role in it and live his own life. Until a person has done this, he lives not his fate, but the script that society has created for him. Shakuntali Siberia underlines that we find this truth in many tales. In their fate, the circumstances of the person’s choice, spirit-helpers and the lies that get out him from the way encoded in the images of animals, mystical creatures.

Often the villain (indulgence of bad thoughts, negative emotions, bad habits) steals the main character’s beloved (soul), and to help him come the Higher Forces – wizards, animals, nature. This is the most important clue to all generations!

The main task of human life is to awaken the soul. And magic is disclosed talents and supernormal abilities, quite achievable due to powerful practices, rituals in the places of the Power, training, and travel with shamans.

The innovative character of a fairy tale.

Do you know how fairy stories work in reality? Shakuntali Siberia may give many examples from her daily practice.

For example, a girl is given the fate of a successful artist, but her mother demands that her daughter become a lawyer or an accountant. And the decision changes the fate of your daughter! Most likely this girl will be deeply unhappy and may seriously ill.

If you compose a fairy tale on this plot, then in this example, mother’s desire would become for the girl a dragon who stole the Sun (happiness, inspiration, vitality). And the main goal of the character would be to find a hero (for example, a spiritual teacher) who would smash this dragon and help the girl regain the joy of life.

Shakuntali Siberia is ready to become for every woman that wise woman who will protect her from all dragons and help to find and return the Sun in every day of her living.

You can get such help from the carriers of the oldest knowledge at the events of Shakuntali Siberia, which over 15 years has helped thousands of heroes save their beautiful princess, which means soul in fairy stories! 



