When you listen to your guides and they tell you stuff you don’t want to hear.
You see, I am on this spiritual journey and there are times when you don’t want to hear the truth. You simply can’t handle the truth.
In those times, you have to use techniques and tools that you have or have developed over times and lives you have to tap into. This is when you want to hide but you know there is no honor in that.
When the things you visualize go sideways and everything is tops turvy. You want to just put your head in a hole and hide.
You begin to meditate and pray. You Journal through the pain. Did I say pain because that is exactly what it is.
We have this neat tidy little story in our mind that doesn’t pan out. If we admit to ourselves that our “law of attraction “ scenario is out of control, then we have to let go.
Surrender is the name of this game.
We have to force ourselves to surrender and just let go. Set ourselves free from outcomes and release control to God, our higher power.
Letting go and being free is a process that is not easy. Allowing intuition to relieve our ego and intellect of their jobs.
I am finding that having peace and setting my goals and outcomes free is a journey that is not without trepidation. It’s not without times of uncertainty. It’s not free of self-determination. I discovered about myself that I am a thinker and journey for me has been really difficult, however, I know the end is going to be worth the means.
I want to encourage everyone who is on this journey to buckle up and enjoy the ride. Know that the Universe truly does have your back.