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Feel Like Your Business Is An Emotional Rollercoaster?

Ever feel like you are working away and things are great and then BOOM, you have a WTF moment? Complete chaos ensues and you are burning the midnight oil to clean up some sort of crazy mess that takes from the expressway of success and rolls you into the ditch with three flat tires and a blown carburetor.

It happens to all of us. Really! If we wanted to get into a whiney poor me business owner mode, we could probably go tit-for-tat on crazy encounters and issues that happened. How you go through them determines your success level and how quickly you get there.

Our energy, our thoughts and our willingness to be aware of the true process that is occurring, versus an emotionally colored process, is important to choose awareness around.

Most of the WTF encounters will include others. Very rare does your building decide to walk off with intellectual property or your car decide to renege on a contract and then come up with a list of crazy excuses and reasons that are not at all related to contracts (in this fun incident it was around moon cycles and I am not talking menstrual moon cycles), or your bed decides to falsify credentials.

What is important in all of these is that you are well rested, clear and feeling fulfilled. When you are tired, overworked, and stressed out – emotions can run high, fingers pointed and the reality of the process that is required gets messy. It is difficult to stay neutral and aware. You are unable to cut through all of it and see what the “facts” are pertaining to the process and not be triggered by the emotional coloring that may have been applied. And yes that includes your own box of colors that you may be voraciously scribbling with.


So what’s a person to do?

Create a mindfulness ritual that allows you to sit in awareness instead of judgement of what is right or wrong. Mindfulness, in a very short explanation, is being present and fully in the moment willing to have awareness of what is. Sounds simple right?

Well it takes a process to get there and just as you have the habit of brushing your teeth in the morning a mindfulness ritual is just as important to prevent cavities within your mental makeup….see what I did there?

All of the greats have it. It does not need to be extensive or crazy. In fact I combine mine with riding my stationary bike. That works for me. A lotus position and sitting still does not. I sit all day so when I need to release there must be physical activity with it. I spend a minimum of 20 minutes a day, first thing in the morning, usually in my pyjamas with my eyes closed, meditating. I set my intention for the day, I visualize my gratitude for everything, I connect energetically with my team and the business sending them gratitude for their contributions, I connect with my physical body giving it gratitude and anyone or anything else that comes up.

I then ask that if there is anything that I am not acknowledging or choosing that is not contributing to my life, my work, or the world in which I play to be shown to me clearly so that I can make a different choice. I have a chime timer on my phone that gently lets me know when my time is up. I feel relaxed, my blood is pumping – gently as this is not a rigorous let’s race ride – and it is time to kiss my kids awake.

My day ends up being wonderful regardless of what comes my way. In fact we have taken to naming some of the events with crazy names to add fun to them and a willingness to be aware of the process and what steps can be taken to smooth that process out in the event that we have it show up again.

So what is your mindfulness ritual? I would love for you to share it with me.

Now breathe deep and Namaste people!


