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Embrace That You Know That You Know Nothing

The majority of knowledge we acquire early on is given to us by others – people we trust, whether it is our parents, the people on the television, or some authority figure in our local community like a teacher. We trust them to already have the answers we need in order to evolve further in our lives.

Somewhere along the way, we reach a point where we decide that we have got an efficient amount of information and start to settle into beliefs we acquired from this information.

Through our conditioning of the belief in certain concepts: world events, history, scientific facts; we shape our world – how we view ourselves living in our society, how we interact with others. We believe that we know what is essential for us to live a well-rounded life.

But what if the very foundational elements of the world we live in, what we learned in our schools, textbooks, tv, and movies, what if all of it were based around lies? Ask yourself, could such a thing be possible? What would be the reason for such a mass deception? Would that possibly have a drastic effect on our life moving forward?

The general public is ignorant of many things. Most people stay in their lane, focusing only on their own families, work, issues, and fixated on stories through Hollywood films or Netflix TV shows. They don’t have time or the interest to consider other things outside of themselves. During Roman times, the Colosseum was used to distract the public from the political, social, and economic policies, laws, and regulations decided upon and controlled by the high members of the Roman Government.

We have become so familiar with how things are perceived that we have mistaken it for objective reality. When a person comes along that doesn’t show the same blind allegiance to the masses’ beliefs, they are shouted at, ridiculed, and shamed into conforming.

Socrates once said, “you know that you know nothing”. This statement is one of the most freeing things you can contemplate.

A few days back, I started coming across some interesting posts on an encrypted message app called telegram, shared from a group chat called Lion’s den. This is where I get a lot of my news and updates of various things concerning the ascension process, full disclosure, and the great awakening – if you don’t know what any of those terms are, I encourage you to research for yourself. The clip was concerning Flat Earth Theory. I always considered such things to be nonsense and conspiracy theories. But thinking more about it, when I questioned why I believed that, the only answer I could come up with was that I was told that the Earth was round. And that Flat Earth was lies. I just accepted that.

Looking further into it, I’m convinced that the Earth is, in fact, flat. This is my belief, nobody else’s. When I started to share this view with others, they would be very hostile towards me, insult my intelligence, call me crazy and unhinged, straight up leave the room, and avoid speaking to me further. I found that interesting how a theory could trigger such a visceral reaction.

Why could they not at least hear me out on why I changed my mind? What evidence could be there? Why were they not even a bit curious? For the same reason, I believed the Earth was round for so long because I convinced myself I knew the truth. I accepted the distant photos from the moon of the Earth, the moon landing footage, the incredible accuracy of distances from the sun and other planets were all accurate. I decided at some point that scientists, astronauts, engineers, all of these professionals I could trust to tell me the truth, and without hesitation, I followed.

When you decide to take off the blindfold and reclaim your power thinking for yourself, admit that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Just because you studied it in school or learned about it from a parent doesn’t mean it’s true.

By re-examining everything you think you know, you will discover a newfound clarity that will help you navigate the maze that is the mass illusion we live in.

