If you’re like me you’ve had this long desire to help others, sometimes it seems as if people come up to you out of nowhere, people you don’t know, and just start talking to you like they’ve known you all of their lives. I’ve talked with many empaths, and healers over the years both as a physician and as a spiritual counselor and many seem to observe the same phenomenon. However, after a while several seem to hit a roadblock, they can’t focus, and they get disgruntled with their efforts. They’re trying to help people and counsel them, but at the end of the day, they just feel so drained that there’s none left for them. Ultimately THEY become the ones that are needing help.
Have you ever felt this way? I have many times when I don’t really pay attention to what I’m doing and I just give away all my energy to help others, after all, we’re healers that’s what we do.
It’s time to draw a line in the sand, and I did this many years ago. I decided to help myself and build myself up first before I help others. There’s an old saying that goes something like, “If you’re pouring out of your own cup in order to help others, eventually your cup will run dry, but if you fill your cup first and let it keep filling with an overflow of abundance, eventually the overflow will spill onto others and more and more will be seeking you and your cup will never run empty”. Now some may say this is self-serving, or just plain selfish, but it’s not, this is helping yourself in order to help others. You can’t help others if you are in a weakened state yourself, whether that be emotionally, physically, or spiritually.
We all can relate to a weakened immune system. I remember many times in my clinic patients would come in with colds, aches, pains, just catching every stomach virus there is all because of a weakened immune system. But did you know there’s another immune system? I call it the psychological immune system. When we give everything we have to help someone and get drained of our life force energy we suffer. The problem with this is that its symptoms are not always immediate and easy to spot. By helping, and putting so much of ourselves into others without taking care of ourselves we have a high propensity to develop a loss of ambition, the drive to discover new things, and evolve ourselves. After a while, this can lead to depression, and a host of other manifestations including psychosomatic ailments.
So, what do I do to guard against this, and keep my batteries charged? I find that starting the day the night before really helps. I know that sounds weird but, what I mean by that is. I go to bed most nights around 9 PM. I usually wake up somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30 seven days a week, and I haven’t used an alarm in over 15 years. I listen to my body when I need sleep it tells me and I listen.
Upon waking and that first cup of coffee, I settle in to listen to inspiring music, watch motivational videos on youtube to start the day on a positive note. Then about 6 am I hit the gym for an hour and try to do a light-to-moderate workout. After that, I come back and do silent meditation where I envision how I want my day to unfold, I also give gratitude for the things that I know will come. I then start working on projects, creating courses, tend to my online business etc. etc. I also take 20 min in the afternoon to do a yoga session or two just to keep the juices flowing.
As I get older I also find that the cleaner foods I eat the more focused and better I feel and the more energy I have because less energy is needed to digest hard and heavy chemical-laden foods that are no good to me. I believe that food is either energy building or energy depleting. For example, how do you feel after a meal? Do you feel like a nap, or do you feel energized? Your body will tell you what foods you need to eat, and when you need to eat them based on your own bio-individuality.
I find most projects that I do have to be fun and engaging in order to keep my attention. If it’s not fun and engaging, or I find them draining my energy, I shuffle them off my to-do list or delegate it to someone else. I know that many will say “yea that’s great to be able to do that but I go to work from 9 to 5 and my job has varied duties that I must perform whether I like them or not.
I think that is great and as a worker for someone else, you should do these things until it is time NOT to do these things. There comes a time when you will be called to do something greater, and to follow your passion. Many of you are feeling that right now and are at a struggle with it. Yes, I dug ditches, shoveled cow poop, put on roof shingles in snow until my fingers bled, and no I was not happy but it put food on the table. But once the time came for me to pursue my calling I went for it. Life is to be lived with passion and exhilaration, not just for existing. The human mind is not geared for simply following mundane tasks, or doing things that don’t inspire us. It is designed to create, and be stimulated. We are creators by spiritual nature, so when your time comes to create don’t ignore it. Become a guiding light to the masses, and don’t feel bad about creating abundance for yourself while doing so.
Don’t ever feel bad about seeking abundance for yourself, whether that be spiritual, educational, or financial. I remember hearing Wayne Dyer speak at a conference once and he said, “you can never be poor enough to help others out of poverty, so be abundant in everything and let your abundance overflow out into the world”.
I believe he was correct on this. The world needs Healers, spiritual counselors, lightworkers, and others now more than ever, and many of us are being called to do this. Make sure to do it the right way, fill your cup first, and always re-energize then let your overflow of abundance help enlighten and heal the masses. After all your calling is not for a short sprint, you’re in it for the long haul.
Until next time
Dr. Bryan
P.S. Photo Credits:
(stones) image from https://pixabay.com/
(lady pushing away) image from https://www.freeimages.com/