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Dear Deziree Episode #42

Dear Deziree,

I don’t know who to talk to about this so I am bringing this question to you in the hopes that you can help out. This question involves Spirituality itself. You see, like many of the other people I have met, I was a mess. I was into drinking, partying, my relationships were a mess and I believed that I finally had to fix my life. Enter the spirituality thing, I have been taking classes, working on the things that needed fixing in my life and basically learning all that I could in order to improve upon myself.

Here’s the problem as I see it: nothing great seems to be happening for me. Granted, I am cleaning up messes that I have made, yet there always seems to be more problems and none of the good stuff. I seem to keep getting “slammed” with more of the bad no matter what I do. Take today for instance, I was feeling bad about things in general, so last night I decided I would go to the beach instead of work just to get away from things. Responsibility hit me and I decided to do what the “new” me would do and went to work like I was supposed to.

My reward: I got stuck doing the job I hate the most with the supervisor laughingly telling me that he knew I hated that job that’s why he gave it to me. NOT FUNNY! I obviously made the wrong choice. Why am I bothering to work with this spirituality thing if nothing good is going to come of it? Starting to think I should just give up on this spiritual thing, life seemed easier before. What do you think?




Dear Deziree Screenshot


Dear “Anonymous”,

Let me congratulate you on making the decision to grow up. Realizing that the partying and all the other immature and unproductive behaviors weren’t serving a purpose is clearly a sign that you are listening to your soul, and yes, this is spiritual growth. I will tell you from my own experience that choosing to take the spiritual path is not an easy one to follow.

The misconception people have about spirituality is that once they chose to do the work and make life changes, they assume everything will be peace signs, love, and everything is just Zen, it’s not! As you spiritually awaken and face your stuff, you will go through a long period of unbecoming everything that you are not. The process can be painful and seem never-ending, it can even take years to get to the other side of this unbecoming process.

My feeling for you is that you are going through the phase in your spiritual journey of being tested. The things that you have spoken of as being bad, in my opinion, is the Ego still trying to keep a hold on you. Ego is trying to fool you into believing that all this work you are trying to do to improve yourself isn’t worth it.  I will tell you to stop the negative self-talk about what is happening in your life.Part of your strength in your spiritual journey is being able to allow life to happen and to work with it without judging it. Part of being on the spiritual path is learning to witness life as it is, without judgment. Once you become neutral about the patterns that have been playing out in your life, I believe things will begin to shift in a new direction because you are not allowing the Ego to box you in.

All of the tests that we go through are about gaining wisdom for the soul. The knowledge we accumulate is applied to mastering our life lessons and once mastery has taken place, you will move on to the next phase on your soul’s path. Remember, life is a journey full of lessons with no destination. Living life is all about how you work through these lessons and that’s really what life and mastery are all about.

Be Extraordinary,
Kimberly Deziree


The intention of Dear Deziree is to use the intuitive gifts of Kimberly Deziree to give you guidance regarding your spiritual business. As with EVERYTHING in life, we need to take 100% responsibility for ourselves. Her response is meant to give you guidance, but ultimately you are responsible for you. Enjoy!


