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Dear Deziree Episode #37

Dear Deziree,

For the longest time, I resisted changing my life, I continued to struggle while trying to control everything only to end up more frustrated than ever! After going around in circles and getting nowhere, I finally accepted that I needed help.

After doing my research, I hired a coach to help me figure out what I wanted for my future and how to get it. We put a plan together but I just couldn’t put the time and effort into making these changes, if anything it stressed me out more and I couldn’t wait for the contract to be over with! Nothing changed and I am angry at myself for spending so much time and money only to feel worse than I started. Any thoughts?

~ ‘Regretful Consumer’


Dear Deziree Screenshot


Dear ‘Regretful Consumer’,

Never have a regret over making a decision to better your life! My intuition is telling me a few things were going on here. I sense there was a lack of communication involved here. I feel your heart was in the right place by hiring a coach, however, I’m feeling deep down that whatever the coach and you decided on for your final outcome, was not what you wanted in your Heart. Your mind may have convinced you it was, and the coach most likely was basing his/her assessment of what you conveyed as fact. So a plan was created on your stated preferences.

The answer lies in what you stated you wanted. Go back and look at all of it and ask yourself the following questions: Why did I want it? What was the reasoning behind it?  What were the benefits? (list them out) Was this for me or other people? How did it feel to you?  What was I trying to fix something externally when maybe it was something internally that needed healing?

I’m sure looking back you felt it in your gut that it wasn’t what you needed, the red flags were there I feel. This is a lesson about trusting your Intuition and letting that be your compass to guide you. Hiring a coach is a fantastic move, I’ve done that myself in the past, but based on my own experience a coach is only beneficial if you are ready and willing to commit to what your Heart truly desires. When everything is in alignment, the coaching works beautifully.

So, my thoughts are to do some soul searching and look at patterns and beliefs you have about yourself and find a spiritually awakened counselor to help you let go of what is not you, then find a coach/mentor who can help you reach your dreams. My feelings are that once you do your internal work, the things you paid for with that coach will somehow make sense and be useful! Keep me posted on your progress!

Be Extraordinary,
Kimberly Deziree


The intention of Dear Deziree is to use the intuitive gifts of Kimberly Deziree to give you guidance regarding your spiritual business. As with EVERYTHING in life, we need to take 100% responsibility for ourselves. Her response is meant to give you guidance, but ultimately you are responsible for you. Enjoy!


